How to teach children to debate

To debate is to discuss two or more people on one or several topics, presenting their ideas and defending their opinions and interests . The moderator will be in charge of directing and controlling the debate, of distributing the times and giving the floor to each opponent. The participants will be

To debate is to discuss two or more people on one or several topics, presenting their ideas and defending their opinions and interests. The moderator will be in charge of directing and controlling the debate, of distributing the times and giving the floor to each opponent. The participants will be grouped according to the position they will defend.

To present the main argument of a debate will take turns, in such a way, that each participant can express their point of view in a set time that will be the same for all and determined at the beginning of the debate. But ... how to teach all this to children? With these fantastic tips. Consejos 10 tips to teach children to debate successfully

To debate, we must take into account some recommendations:


It is essential to be well informed about the topic to be debated and to decide the position we are going to defend . To investigate and prepare the debate is to make sure we also understand the opposite position in order to be able to answer correctly and clarify doubts.2.

Make a brief and logical statement of our position and the reasons why we support it bas, based on evidence, statistics, providing evidence and reliable sources. Time is gold in a debate and it is better to get to the point with short and clear interventions and not to extend ourselves in our presentation. 3.Talking in a pleasant voice and with a loud enough volume will make us pay more attention, because a monotonous voice will lead to boredom and it will be misunderstood.

4. Ask questions and answer the replies of our opponents. 5. If possible,

try to flip our opponent's arguments and use them against him. 6.

We must not monopolize the conversation so that there are exchanges of ideas, for that we will give the word to our opponent when appropriate. 7.

Avoiding repeating the same arguments and using tricks will constantly make us listen with more interest. 8. We must be clear that in a debate we attack the main arguments of our opponents,

never the people . 9.

Do not get excited . Keep calm, do not raise your voice or shout, be reasonable, are essential to make a successful debate. We all know that there are television and radio programs where debates are held where everyone speaks at once, they shout, they get angry, they come to disrespect and, more like a cockfight than what is intended. A debate should always be civilized and not intimidating. If we scream and lose control, we will only show our opponent our weaknesses and lack of education.10. If we use

arguments based on emotions , we speak with confidence, we gesticulate and maintain a visual contact with our opponent, we enjoy and we are passionate with our exhibition, we will undoubtedly make them pay more attention and the debate will be more successful.How to rehearse with children a debate

It is about talking intelligently to convince our opponent of the position we defend and never impose our idea at all costs. Argue with logic, make good exhibitions and enjoy, are essential assets to win a debate.

In the case of a debate for young children it is essential

to choose a topic that is attractive and of interest to them . There will be two groups according to the position they will defend, a moderator will be appointed and the rest of the children can act as the public.-

The child or adult acting as moderator will open the debate by briefly discussing the topic to be debated and the rules that will have to be followed during the debate. It's about listening and learning from each other.-

They will raise their hands to ask for a speaking turn and they must wait patiently until the moderator indicates they can speak. In no case will taunts or insults be admitted under penalty of expulsion. Con - With the debate we will seek that the children participate actively

so that little by little they develop their critical sense. We will promote teamwork, respect and discipline. We will make it very clear that all the rules that have been agreed upon at the beginning of the debate must be respected. Finally, keep in mind that you always learn something from a debate andwe should congratulate our opponent if he wins.

To finish I leave you a sentence: 'In life your words are as important as the way you say them.