The importance of reviewing what has been studied for children

Reviewing is essential to learn the contents well, it is of vital importance since without the review it can not be guaranteed that these contents are stored in the memory. Review helps to consolidate what has been learned. If the child does not review the content that has studied, the information c

Reviewing is essential to learn the contents well, it is of vital importance since without the review it can not be guaranteed that these contents are stored in the memory.

Review helps to consolidate what has been learned. If the child does not review the content that has studied, the information can pass through his mind and leave it in the blink of an eye without leaving a trace. But, how to motivate them to do it? We tell you how to teach a child the importance of reviewing in the study.

Teach children to review what they studied

To review is a very efficient study technique since it favors the contents to settle in the child's memory. But, most children ignore this study technique because it involves a daily effort and therefore a perseverance difficult to assume.

The review is essential because forgetting occurs very quickly after having studied the content. In fact, at the end of the 19th century, the German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus investigated the time in which it took us to forget what we have studied or read. And, the conclusions were the following:

- Within 1 day we forgot 50% of what was studied.

- Within 2 days we forget 70% of those studied.

- Within 7 days we forget more than 90% of what we studied.

Surprising! Therefore, today we know that there is a close relationship between the times we review content and forgetfulness. So if we review the information the percentage of forgetfulness decreases considerably . The latest studies show that it is necessary a total of four or five re-runs so that what we have studied or read passes to the long-term memory and does not end up falling into oblivion.For all this, we must make children understand that reading and understanding the subject of study is necessary but not sufficient for the information to be fixed in their memory.

It is essential to review so that the effort that the child has made studying does not fall on deaf ears by forgetting the contents for not having reviewed them. Thanks to the review, the traces of what has been learned in your memory are strengthened or, in other words, the revision reinforces the neural connections that are formed when learning new information. If these connections are not reinforced, they end up vanishing until they disappear. In addition, the review not only helps to fix the information but in turn helps the child to realize if there is any concept that he has not understood or that he should study better.

Many times the child invests a lot of time in studying but when we ask him the lesson we realize that he has not retained practically anything. This happens to many children and we do not have to be alarmed. What often happens is that the child studies but does not do it effectively. He spends a lot of time in front of the book but may need to resort to study techniques such as reviewing in order to retain what he has learned. Explain to the child all the benefits of the review, of which we have spoken in this article, can motivate you to begin to incorporate this technique into your study routine. If you know how it works and why it matters, the child may feel more motivated and interested to do so.