Foods that generate happiness for children

There are foods that help to keep children happier, more optimistic and with a good feeling of well-being, this is because certain foods contain tryptophan, an essential amino acid and that the body can only absorb it with the presence of carbohydrates (potatoes, legumes, whole grains). By absorbing

There are foods that help to keep children happier, more optimistic and with a good feeling of well-being, this is because certain foods contain tryptophan, an essential amino acid and that the body can only absorb it with the presence of carbohydrates (potatoes, legumes, whole grains). By absorbing tryptophan, it stimulates a neurotransmitter called serotonin, a substance that produces pleasure in children.

These are the foods that generate happiness for children because they contain tryptophan or other substances that enhance the feeling of well-being.

What foods generate happiness for children

1. These foods generate happiness for children since they contain tryptophan:

- Dairy products: cheese and milk.

- Meat: chicken and turkey.

- Eggs.

- Vegetables: dark leafy vegetables, tomato, onion.

- Fruits: banana and citrus fruits.

- Nuts: peanuts

- Legumes and whole grains

2. Another chemical secreted by the brain are endorphins, they also give a feeling of well-being, this substance is released when we consume spicy foods or chocolate (cocoa).

- The spicy (chili, peppers) upon contact with the taste buds reach the brain and release endorphins, in the case of children under 3 years should be very careful with the spicy, go slowly introducing until it is They adapt to the sensation that causes the spicy.

- Chocolate for its flavor and consistency give much pleasure and children love, always choose chocolate with 75% cocoa or more, in addition cocoa contains theobromine that is a natural stimulant.

3. Other foods that improve the mood of children are omegas 3 and are present in:

- Blue fish (tuna, salmon, sardines, etc.)

- Flax, chia and hemp seeds.

- Olive oils, soybean oil and flax.

It is important to emphasize that the foods mentioned above are not the panacea, although they improve the well-being and the mood of the children, this effect will be enhanced in the case that the children have a varied diet, perform physical activity and have a good break.