Hemangiomas on the baby's skin

Some babies are born with red or blue spots on their skin, usually on the face. They are raised spots on the skin that will disappear after a few years. It is hemangiomas and, although they are not dangerous for the health of the baby, it is convenient to have them located and treat them. We tell yo

Some babies are born with red or blue spots on their skin, usually on the face.

They are raised spots on the skin that will disappear after a few years. It is hemangiomas and, although they are not dangerous for the health of the baby, it is convenient to have them located and treat them.

We tell you everything you need to know about the hemangiomas on the baby's skin.

What are the hemangiomas on the skin of the baby

When the cells of the blood vessels experience a "uncontrolled growth" is when the hemangiomas sur arise. These raised spots can come out at the time of birth or during the first month of the baby's life. And although they are really benign tumors , we should not let the term scare us.Most hemangiomas will have disappearedbefore the child reaches

5 years , although in some cases they may take longer to disappear. And while it is not a health problem, hemangiomas should be controlled to prevent infection and if they are located near the eyes or in areas of the body with folds. The evolution of the hemangiomas in the baby's skin follows three phases. At first, the hemangioma grows rapidly and then moves to a phase where it stabilizes. Finally, the hemangioma undergoes a kind of involution where its size is reduced to disappear completely.

What is the treatment for hemangiomas in babies Although hemangiomas usually disappear on their own, it is always recommended that a specialist follow their evolution. Currently many pediatricians choose to eliminate hemangiomas withlaser

without waiting for their spontaneous disappearance in order to leave no mark on the baby's skin.

In the rest of the cases, the hemangiomas need a de preventive treatment to avoid possible complications. The hemangioma must have a exhaustive control

if it is in the area of ​​the eyes to prevent possible vision problems in children. And it must also be controlled to avoid ulcers, infections or stop excessive growth. Some of the children who have had hemangiomas of babies do not even remember it. A small scar or an alteration of the texture of the skin are the most frequent sequelae of hemangiomas. However, when the disappearance of the hemangioma leaves some visible mark on the skin, the child may need psychological support . Laura Vélez

. Editor of Guiainfantil.com