The growth of the belly during pregnancy, month by month

During the nine months of pregnancy, the body of the woman will undergo some important changes. Your body will go through some anatomical, chemical and physiological transformations, which will favor the growth of your baby. One of these changes occurs in the belly of the future mother. As of the se

During the nine months of pregnancy, the body of the woman will undergo some important changes. Your body will go through some anatomical, chemical and physiological transformations, which will favor the growth of your baby. One of these changes occurs in the belly of the future mother.

As of the second trimester, the baby begins to grow month by month and this will be noticed in the dimensions of his mother's belly. She will have to adapt her clothes as well as her walking, sitting, etc., habits to the new volume of her belly.

How the belly of the pregnant woman grows

First month of pregnancy

There is no change in the abdomen of the pregnant woman, the uterine size resembles a tennis ball. Although you may notice some physical changes, such as breast enlargement, heavier digestion or heartburn. The embryo is shaped like a tiny tadpole and is smaller than a grain of rice.

Second month of pregnancy

The pregnant woman may already notice her abdomen slightly rounded and that the clothes squeeze a bit on her waist. The size of the uterus will be the size of a bunch of grapes. The embryo is about 2.5 cm long. The placenta develops rapidly.

Third month of pregnancy

The uterus is somewhat larger than a cluster of grapes and can be felt above the pubic bone. The embryo has a length of 6 to 7.5 cm. And it weighs about 40 grams. It is about the size of an orange. The heartbeat can be heard with a Doppler ultrasound.

Fourth month of pregnancy

The woman will already be able to feel the uterine fundus 4 cm. below the navel. The uterus is the size of a small melon. The fetus measures about 12 or 13 cm. and it weighs 150 grams. The body grows faster than the head. The sexual organs are already defined and he knows how to suck his thumb. The placenta works at full capacity.

Fifth month of pregnancy

The pregnant woman is in the middle of pregnancy and the fundus reaches the navel line. The waist widens and you clearly notice the pregnancy. The fetus measures from 17 to 23 cm. and weighs almost 400 grams, the muscles are strengthened, the nerve network develops and the bones are hardening. The movements of the baby begin to be perceived by the mother.

Sixth month of pregnancy

The uterus is already about 4 cm. above the navel and has a size of a basketball. The fetus measures more than 30 cm. and weighs about 800 grams, is already quite active and has greater coordination of movements. From now on, you can open and close your eyes. And it can have hiccups and be perceived by the mother as small beats.

Seventh month of pregnancy

The uterus is about 11 cm. above the navel or about 30 cm. from the pubic bone. The baby is about 40 cm. and weigh about 1,200 grams. It will produce a great brain development. The lungs are the most immature organs at this time.

Eighth month of pregnancy

The uterine height from the pubis usually coincides with the gestational age, at 34 weeks, it measures 34 cm. The pregnant woman is quite uncomfortable and has difficulty making certain movements. The baby measures between 45 and 50 cm. and weighs about 2,500 grams. He has periods of sleep and less room to move and the lungs have almost reached maturity.

Ninth month of pregnancy

The uterus is now under the ribs. The uterine fundus is about 38 or 40 cm. from the pubic bone. The skin of the abdomen of the pregnant woman is stretched to the maximum and the pregnant woman walks in a somewhat awkward manner. The baby moves with difficulty and in the middle of this month it is considered that it is fully formed and developed to be born. The placenta weighs about 600 grams.