Toxic parents who can destroy their children

I can not believe that such a father or mother can exist, but they exist, of course. They are fathers or mothers who constantly undermine the physical and moral integrity of their children. They are known as toxic parents. Or at least that's how they started calling them psychologists and pedagogues

I can not believe that such a father or mother can exist, but they exist, of course. They are fathers or mothers who constantly undermine the physical and moral integrity of their children. They are known as toxic parents. Or at least that's how they started calling them psychologists and pedagogues.

Toxic parents do not offer love and safety to their children. They do not want their children, but they use them. And they are capable of destroying them little by little. But do you want to know how to identify them? Características 9 characteristics of toxic parents

Toxic parents constantly put their interests before those of their children, are unconcerned about their education and use their own children to project their problems and insecurities. How to recognize them? A 1. Join your children physically and psychologically.

They use physical punishment and psychological punishment indiscriminately. They are the parents who constantly tell their children that they are worthless.

2.They use destructive criticism. These are criticisms that only serve to humiliate the child, full of negative connotations towards him. They usually humiliate him in front of others.

3. They present themselves as victims of their children. Before others, their children are rebellious, disobedient, and mistreat their parents. On many occasions they justify their actions by ensuring that their children are unbearable.

4. They are manipulative parents. Able to lie to get their children to do everything they want.

5. They use emotional blackmail. In exchange for a little love, the children must endure the psychological abuse. They manage to create an emotional dependency. In some cases they get it with an excess of affection. At the opposite pole, the absent parents, who bring love to their children with dropper.

6. They are over-demanding parents. They ask for more than the child is capable of giving.

7. Parents are dictators. Authoritarian to the point of choosing friends, partner or professional future of your child. They use fear to control their children.

8. Compete with the children. In a way, they envy them.

9. They use 'heavy' jokes as an attack on them, to constantly expose them.

Consequences of toxic parents in children Obviously, this type of parents what they achieve a is to frighten their children . They exercise power and supremacy over them in an authoritarian and exorbitant manner. Children who live under the whip of a toxic father,

will be children with self-esteem problems

, frustrated, full of fears and with evident behavioral problems. These older childrenwill be submissive, insecure people , unable to commit, with a disturbing feeling of guilt and with clear emotional problems. Or on the contrary, very rebellious people who will tend to repeat the pattern they lived in their childhood.You do not have to be a perfect father. It is enough to provide what every child needs: love, security and values.