What happens in the child's brain when he eats

The child's mouth and taste buds are the access door to what he is going to eat, but this is a quick presentation of the food since it really el is the brain of the child. child the person in charge of choosing for them what they like and what they do not. In Guiainfantil.com we reveal how the child

The child's mouth and taste buds are the access door to what he is going to eat, but this is a quick presentation of the food since it really el is the brain of the child. child the person in charge of choosing for them what they like and what they do not. In Guiainfantil.com we reveal how the child's brain acts when he eats, what happens when we put him in front of a plate of food.

The brain of the child when he eats: why a child prefers one food and not another

When we eat we release a series of substances such as

endorphins, dopamines and serotonins, which are responsible for causing us pleasure, and therefore, the culprits that our children are in a good mood or not. But what happens inside the child's brain when he eats? Of course, when something gives us pleasure we repeat it, so the child's brain, specifically a part of it called the temporary tonsil cuando, when it receives salt, sugar or fat,gets happy and lets the child know , sending him a message of pleasure and encouraging them to take more. It is said that these substances are just as addictive as brain drugs, since they produce the same effect on him; so you already have the reason why your children ask you for more and more sweets, spaghetti or chocolate every day. This behavior comes from our origins, when the brain was programmed to store calories

just in case there were periods of food shortages.

Currently, in developed countries, it is not necessary for our children to ingest huge amounts of sugar, it is more, it is totally counterproductive due to an excessively sedentary life, and even reaching to negatively affect the cognitive development of children .

It is demonstrated that malnutrition , especially during the gestation periods of the mother, muy nfluye very negatively

in the brain development of children. This results in the school in a lower capacity of attention, more unrest, low level of concentration and memory, and therefore lower school performance. But not only the food ingested through the mouth activates their small brains, but also through theirtouch, smell and hearing. Who has not salivated to hear and smell how popcorn is made? or what child does not reject a meal that has a dark or blackish appearance first? At that time the neurotransmitters are activated and produce effects of pleasure or displeasure

, depending on the smell or the appearance of the food, which is why the funny presentations of the dishes for children work very well. Agood diet is basic for the child's brain to function properly, so when your children ask for sweets or sodas, remember that in reality, although it may sound a bit excessive, an addiction reaction is taking place in your brain similar to the drug. Although one day is a day ...