Foods with folic acid for pregnancy

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin B, specifically vitamin B9. It is one of the most important vitamins before and during pregnancy as it prevents defects in the neural tube of the baby. It is also recommended for children and adults. In we tell you what are the foods with folic

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin B, specifically vitamin B9. It is one of the most important vitamins before and during pregnancy as it prevents defects in the neural tube of the baby.

It is also recommended for children and adults. In we tell you what are the foods with folic acid for pregnancy, childhood and good health in general for adults.

The importance of folic acid for pregnant women and children

The recommended daily amount of this vitamin is 400 micrograms daily for adults, either from the diet or from vitamin supplements. During childhood, the recommended daily amount varies depending on the age of the child:

- 80 micrograms daily for babies under 12 months.

- 160 micrograms daily for children from 1 to 3 years old.

- 200-300 micrograms for over 3 years, approximately up to 9 years old.

- 400 micrograms for children over 10 years old.

In addition, it is recommended to increase the amount of folic acid when a pregnancy is desired, during the months prior to pregnancy and during the first 3 months after conception, so that the deposits are full at the time of fertilization and during the trimester. more risk, that is to say, the moment in which the spine and the brain develop in the embryo.

Folic acid prevents the appearance of neural tube defects, and has also been related to the prevention of other birth defects such as cleft lip or cleft palate, in addition to some heart defects. It also has other functions, such as the formation of new proteins and the creation of nucleic acids (genetic material or DNA), in addition to participating in the formation of red blood cells and in the formation and growth of some tissues.

Foods rich in folic acid for pregnancy

These are foods with folic acid for pregnancy, in them we can find considerable amounts of this vitamin:

- Fruits such as kiwi and papaya, although other fruits such as citrus fruits also contain not insignificant amounts. Tomato, banana and melon contain folic acid to a lesser extent.

- Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and Swiss chard, especially other vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, squash or asparagus. Although inferior, lettuce, carrots, garlic and onions or cauliflower also have significant amounts. The potato also contains folic acid.

- Some legumes, especially fresh vegetables such as peas and soybeans.

- Whole grains, for example wheat or rice. Some breakfast cereals, although not recommended for their amount of sugar, are supplemented with this vitamin.

- Food of animal origin like eggs, milk, meat and especially the liver, also provide folates.

Unfortunately, folic acid is a very sensitive vitamin, which is destroyed at high temperatures (cooking food), so the consumption of raw food is necessary if you want to ensure a good contribution through the diet. It is usually advisable, especially for women of childbearing age, to provide folates through vitamin supplements, however, the amount to be supplemented is controversial, since recently it has been shown that an excess can seriously damage the liver.