Bad postures that can cause injuries to children

Back to school brings with it the return of habits such as bad postures of children on their desk, in their transportation, when carrying their backpack or backpack and when doing homework. Specialists of the Column Unit of the Nisa Pardo de Aravaca Hospital, state that 27% of adolescents and 30% of

Back to school brings with it the return of habits such as bad postures of children on their desk, in their transportation, when carrying their backpack or backpack and when doing homework. Specialists of the Column Unit of the Nisa Pardo de Aravaca Hospital, state that 27% of adolescents and 30% of young children have back pain during the school season that require medical attention.

In we name you some bad postures and the injuries they generate.

Postural errors in children that cause injuries

1. Sit on the tip of the chair

When studying, traveling in transport, writing on the laptop or computer and interacting with video games, it is common for boys to drop on the tip of the chair and support the shoulders on the back, which causes the back to curve backwards producing kyphosis, this can degenerate into Scheuermann's Disease.

2. Leaning inappropriately on the desk

Supporting an arm or head on the desk or table when performing homework is another postural defect that can cause shoulder asymmetry and secondary scoliosis, which ultimately produce real deformities in your life of adults.

Good postures for the children's back

1. Sit well on the desk or table

As we tell you in our Guiainfantil article "back pain in children" when sitting, the law of right angles should be applied: the leg should form a right angle with the thigh, the trunk a right angle with the thigh, the back well supported on the back of the chair and the arms more or less glued to the body. The height of the desk or desk should be according to the child's height to avoid keeping the shoulders or arms hanging. La 2. The ideal backpack or backpack.

Some specialists say that it is preferable to opt for back packs, attached to both shoulders, than wheel backpacks because they cause rotation of the trunk, harmful to the column, others say that they are better wheel with levers adapted to height of the child. They agree that the ideal backpack should not exceed 10% of the children's body weight and that hands-free or bandoliers should be avoided. Pract 3. Practice some sport

To improve muscle tone, schoolchildren should be taught the usual practice of a sport, with those who use their whole bodies, such as football, basketball, volleyball, athletics and swimming, preferable. This will avoid asymmetries that cause muscle pain. In addition, you can encourage him to perform exercises to correct postures. Consultar 4. Consult a specialist

If your child has pain, asymmetries or is not able to modify a bad posture take him to a pediatric review, there will take the corresponding analyzes as radiological studies and send to treatment if necessary.

Viviana Marín.

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