How to help our children to know themselves

One way to help our children to develop their brain is to give them opportunities to exercise it, when we teach them to think taking advantage of situations of daily life we ​​favor their capacity for reflection and self -knowledge, which will result in healthy and happy development. In Guiainfantil

One way to help our children to develop their brain is to give them opportunities to exercise it, when we teach them to think taking advantage of situations of daily life we ​​favor their capacity for reflection and self -knowledge, which will result in healthy and happy development. In we give you some tips so you can help your children to know themselves.

3 guidelines to help your children know themselves

1. Ask them questions:

As parents we can use any day-to-day occasion of our children to help them get to know themselves, one way of doing this is to ask them questions that help them understand each other For example, if they have shown inappropriate behavior, we will ask them: "Why did you do it? What have you achieved? Do you think you could have done something else?" It is important that we help them recognize their emotions "Were you angry? You seemed furious."

Help them tolerate frustration, if things do not go the way they want they can always learn and try again, "why do you think the test went wrong? Were you very nervous or very difficult?" If the child is very nervous about the exams we will teach him to relax breathing slowly and deeply, we will also help him to prepare the exam very well so that he can go safely and confidently. Dejar 2. Let them raise answers:

A fantastic opportunity is presented to us when our son or daughter is leaving camp since we can prepare him for possible situations that may arise. Initially we will help you prepare your suitcase with the things you think you will need, helping you choose the pajamas and the clothes you will wear. Then we can ask him, for example, if he thinks he can remember dad and mom: "if it happened, what are you going to do? How will you feel?" Maybe our son does not know how to give us an answer but will begin to reflect on the subject.

Once we have proposed the situation, we can suggest: "In case you remember dad and mom and you get sad, what can you do to cheer up?" It is likely that he will begin to give some answers: "I can write a letter or I can play with my friends to something fun". From that moment you can talk with your child about the expectations and concerns that may arise, the first time you went camping with your school, the things that happened and how much fun it was. You can also give some advice in the event of a conflict with your colleagues, this will give you security.

3. Encourage them to express their emotions

When the child is very young and does not know how to write but can draw, we can give him a notebook and encourage him to draw each day: "Draw me a picture in this notebook of how it was the day of today". You can also ask him to draw a picture that illustrates the story of what happened to him at school or in the park. If our child can write we will ask him to write a diary with what has happened each day.

This ritual will help you pay attention to your outer world and your inner world, becoming aware of your emotions and why you felt that way. The more our children think about what is happening inside them, the more they will develop the capacity to understand and respond to what surrounds them.