Why children who dance are happier

Do your children like to dance? If so, encourage this hobby, you do not need to pay expensive dance classes, we can simply put music at home and ... dance! And that the dance makes children and adults happier. This is not a statement made lightly, it is a scientifically proven fact. Several studies

Do your children like to dance? If so, encourage this hobby, you do not need to pay expensive dance classes, we can simply put music at home and ... dance!

And that the dance makes children and adults happier. This is not a statement made lightly, it is a scientifically proven fact. Several studies corroborate the good thing that it is to dance and all the benefits that it brings, but among all of them the most important one is precisely that: happiness.

Studies say that children who dance are happier

Several articles say so: dancing makes children happier. According to a study published in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, which analyzed 112 adolescents who suffered from back and neck problems, as well as states of anxiety and stress. Half of the girls attended dance classes on a weekly basis. The study showed that these girls not only managed to improve their health, but also that their emotional state changed radically, overcoming depression and decreasing their level of anxiety. Other studies obtained similar results: at the University of Derby (United Kingdom), at the University of New York or at the University of Öbrero (Sweden). In all of them it was demonstrated that the mood of the people who danced, whether adults or children, improved remarkably.Dancing children are happier

What does dance have that makes children happier?

Children and adults who dance regularly, whether in dance classes or at home; They coexist with music, rhythm and movement in a habitual way, they have a much more positive mental state, in short, they are happier. And it is that dance helps us:

- Improve self-esteem , children feel more comfortable with themselves and, therefore, gives them more resources to overcome personal problems, to face challenges and situations.

- During the dance, the brain cells have more oxygenation, which results in an increase in brain activity, which results in better attention and ability to work faster.

- For children, dancing is another form of play, which is why it is associated with moments of fun and pleasure.- Dancing stimulates the child's motor system and

balance .

- Increases concentration since dancing contributes to the growth of nerve cells in the brain. Dancing requires remembering steps and movements, therefore, activates memory as well.

- When the child dances, there is a release of endorphins, a natural hormone, which produces a state of well-being and happinessand helps to ward off negative thoughts.

- The dance, constantly and periodically, reduces the level of stress and anxiety. No matter what kind of dance it is, it does not matter if the child likes rap, ballet or salsa; if the child dances better or worse; If you dance alone or with yourself or with friends, the important thing is all that is achieved by introducing the dance into your life.

And that is not only a fantastic exercise, it also provides the much desired happiness. If the dance makes children and adults happy, there's nothing else but putting on music and ... letting go!