Tip of the multiplication table of five for children

Mathematics can be fun. It all depends on how you learn. How about if you use a trick with the multiplication table of number five ? Although it is a very simple table, surely this trick will appeal to children. In addition, it can be used with any number multiplied by the number five. How is the tr

Mathematics can be fun. It all depends on how you learn. How about if you use a trick with the multiplication table of number five ? Although it is a very simple table, surely this trick will appeal to children. In addition, it can be used with any number multiplied by the number five.How is the trick of the multiplication table of five

1. First, point to the table of five without the results.

2. Now, let's look at the even numbers that are multiplied by five

, such as 5x2, 5x4, 5x6, 5x8 and 5x10. We calculate half the even numberthat we multiply by five. The result will be the first number of our result. And the second number of the result? It will always be 0. 3. For odd numbers (5x1, 5x3, 5x5, 5x7, 5x9), subtract one from the odd number that we multiply by 5, and calculate its half

. That will be the first number of the result. And the second number? In odd numbers, it will always be 5. 4. The most interesting thing about this trick is thatworks with any number that you multiply by 5

. For example ... 5x 1200 When 1200 is an even number, we apply the trick of calculating its half, which is 600. The number 600 is the first number ... and the second, a 0 ... so the result will be 6000. Magic!