How often children should wash their hair

There are many myths about this topic and almost none of them is true. It is not true that the hair falls more to wash it in excess and it is also true that it is easier to have lice if the hair is dirty, because they prefer clean hair, nor that more fat is created by washing it more ... Outside of

There are many myths about this topic and almost none of them is true. It is not true that the hair falls more to wash it in excess and it is also true that it is easier to have lice if the hair is dirty, because they prefer clean hair, nor that more fat is created by washing it more ...

Outside of those superstitions, really, how often should I wash my baby's hair?, what if he is already a teenager ?, in we reveal some of the unknowns about hair washing.

How often do I have to wash my son's hair?

Most dermatologists say that it is not necessary to wash your hair every day, nor is it to bathe. The general level recommendation is three times a week, during 3 minutes of massage and another 3 of rinse, both for children and adults, but the truth is that there are many conditions that change this frequency.

If your child is one of those who spends the day doing sports or who loves to stain themselves to the eyebrows of paint or mud, it is time to bathe, because if there is a really clear recommendation for any skin type and age is that one should shower when it is dirty, even if it was washed two hours ago.

The fact is that, depending on the ages, the frequency also changes; For example: babies do not need to bathe every day, because this can dry out the skin, especially if neutral soaps are not used, and cause dermatitis, the problem of babies is that they take a bad odor due to the milk that they are spilled or dirty diapers, with which parents opt for the daily bath with hair included, in addition to using it as a means of relaxation before bedtime.

Before 6 years, the shower must adapt to the needs of the child's dirt, so it does not have an exact frequency, but depending on the activity of the child. But you must insist that you always wash your hair with shampoos suitable for children, ph neutral, and not irritate the skin or eyes, massage in a gentle way, and apply conditioner to prevent hair from getting tangled.

From 6 to 11 years old, two or three times a week will be enough; However, after 12 they should wash their hair more frequently, since they tend to sweat more and their incipient hormones will play tricks on them, secreting more fat in their hair than usual.

It is important not to apply too much product as it can dirty the hair, the exact size is a hazelnut for short hair and a nut for the length; but it is also not convenient to follow the fashionable trend lately of the "no-poo", that is to say, no soap, since water alone can not tear off the hair grease, and the bicarbonate, although it is true that it dries Slightly scalp can also irritate it.

So, if you are one of those who do not have time to wash your children's hair, you can relax a bit, generally three days a week will be enough for your children to look healthy and clean hair.