Allergies to food in children

Approximately 5 percent of children under 3 years of age are allergic to one or more foods. Any food protein can cause an allergic reaction. Food allergies occur when the immune system , which helps protect us from infections by identifying and attacking the viruses and bacteria that cause disease,

Approximately 5 percent of children under 3 years of age are allergic to one or more foods. Any food protein can cause an allergic reaction. Food allergies occur when theimmune system, which helps protect us from infections by identifying and attacking the viruses and bacteria that cause disease, responds mistakenly to a food protein, producing inflammation and damage.

In the case of food allergies, the most frequent symptoms are gastrointestinal: pain, swelling, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea ... similar to those that occur in the case of intolerances, but also skin irritations, breathing difficulties and even an anaphylactic shock

Food allergies in children

Foods that cause more cases of allergies in Europe are, in children, milk, eggs and in adults fruits (specifically melon and peach) and fish and seafood. In the United States, allergy to peanuts prevails and in South America to fruits such as pineapple.

Regarding the positive figures, milk allergies are mostly exceeded (in 80% of cases) somewhat less than eggs (55%) and more rarely fish and fruit (15%) ).

Diagnosis of a food allergy

The child must have a skin test to diagnose food allergy. If the result is positive, the allergist can then perform another oral test to have a definitive diagnosis.

In oral tests, sometimes the food on which the possible allergy is being studied is mixed with other substances.

A diet is also usually carried out in which the food or food is eliminated from the child's daily menu. After introducing one by one to check which produces reaction.

Treatment against food allergies in children

The only proven treatment to combat food allergy is to avoid the food that causes the intolerance or the reaction. It has not been proven to this day that other treatments, including allergy shots, help with food allergies.

Children with intolerance or allergies to certain foods tend to pass medical checkups throughout childhood to check if this has disappeared, since sometimes the child body stops producing a rejection towards the product itself.