5 Children's games to face fears on Halloween

Fear is a feeling that invades adults and children at different times of life. Getting to face them and, above all, overcome them, is part of learning in childhood. In Guiainfantil.com we show you how you can help your children face the most common childhood fears: monsters, darkness, being alone ..

Fear is a feeling that invades adults and children at different times of life. Getting to face them and, above all, overcome them, is part of learning in childhood.

In Guiainfantil.com we show you how you can help your children face the most common childhood fears: monsters, darkness, being alone ... And how will we do it? We will take advantage of the Halloween night to remind the children that we all feel fears but that they should not block us and we will achieve it in an original and fun way ... with games!

Game ideas to talk about fear on Halloween

1. Gift in the dark: an ideal game for children who are afraid of the dark. We will hide a Halloween pumpkin in a room and the child should dig in the dark with the incentive of finding the pumpkin forgetting its fear of being in the dark.

2. Hunting monsters: hides drawings or dolls of monsters, ghosts and witches in all rooms. Start a search in the dark with the help of a flashlight. Leave them all in a cardboard box that will be the "trap monsters."

3. Chinese shadows: cut out figures of ghosts or monsters and mount a shadow theater in the room. Play to put voices and encourage them to be the ones who speak for the monsters. You will see that nothing happens, that they are only shadows.

4. The box of fears: ask your child to tell you what their fears are. Prepare cards in which you write each fear. Then you will put the cards inside the box and close it with tape or zeal. Explain your child that fears can not overcome us or prevent them from doing things that is why we must lock them up and, if they open the box and run away someday, we will put them back inside.

5. Weird noises: we will bandage the child's eyes and make noise with different objects, be it the creaking of the wood of the floor, a toy that falls to the floor, a bell ... The child must guess what the noise is doing.