Can it be a gifted baby?

It is true that after 6 years is when you can really start talking about a real diagnosis of a gifted child . It is when everything stabilizes since the intellectual quotient that you have at that age is what you will then have at 30, at 40, etc. But early detection, even in the first years of life,

It is true that after 6 years is when you can really start talking about a real diagnosis of a gifted child. It is when everything stabilizes since the intellectual quotient that you have at that age is what you will then have at 30, at 40, etc.

But early detection, even in the first years of life, can give us clues that they can be gifted and, thus, be able to help them before they reach school age.

The importance of detecting if a baby is gifted

There are studies that consider that 70% of the giftedness or high capacities are inherited and 30% depend on environmental factors. Therefore, it is very important to detect that the child is gifted at the earliest possible age, or, at least, that we can recognize it.

This lack of knowledge may bring consequences, sometimes serious for the child. It should not be ignored that the child is gifted and should not be expected to be like others when a child is born with high abilities. What parents should do is help and provide an appropriate environment and education.

What indicates that a baby is gifted

Of the gifted babies draws attention to their early development. Through observation, in the first year of life, parents can discover aspects such as:

- An intense look shortly after birth.

- Be very moved and have lots of energy.

- Sleep a few hours.

- The 'social smile' appears early.

- He is very impatient in the absence of stimuli. En - Regarding gross motor skills: crawl before 6 months and walk before 11. Other children skip the crawling phase and start walking at 8 or 9 months. En - In terms of fine motor skills, it is highly developed, being able to turn pages of a book at 9 months using your index finger and thumb. They are able to assemble puzzles of a greater number of pieces than other children with normal development.

- Regarding language: the child says words at 8 months and a year already knows more words than the child with normal development.

- It also starts to differentiate. Call things by their names and do not use a word to refer to objects of the same category. That is, it does not call all flower plants, for example, but distinguishes between rose, daisy, etc.

- At 2 years old he already speaks in sentences, with verbs with his correct time. Some children are slow to speak, but once they are released, they do it well. Gifted children usually skip the babbling phase.

- Relate the facts to each other early. Something that usually occurs at 2 and a half years

- Knows the concept of permanence (if an object hides knows that it must be somewhere and does not cease to exist) between 9 and 3 months. Something that happens at 18 in a normal development

- It is non-conformist and disobedient.

- Usually manifests anxiety and fears.

That your baby shows this type of characteristics

does not reveal that he is gifted

. But the more traits match your behavior, the higher the probability that it is a child with high abilities. Therefore, parents should remain attentive to their child's development and provide them with every possible opportunity to take advantage of their potential and make them happy.