What harms sexual desire after childbirth

For many couples, the arrival of a baby is a revolution in their relationship. Beyond the new responsibilities, the obvious change of life or even the infrastructure that is supposed to welcome the new member of the family, sex can also suffer. Being a parent is such a big change that sexual desire

For many couples, the arrival of a baby is a revolution in their relationship. Beyond the new responsibilities, the obvious change of life or even the infrastructure that is supposed to welcome the new member of the family, sex can also suffer.

Being a parent is such a big change that sexual desire can be altered after childbirth. In Guiainfantil.com we discover what exactly damages the libido after giving birth.

Why lack sexual desire after giving birth

1.Tiredness. After the birth of the baby, the fatigue is accentuated both in the father and the mother, something that falls on the woman who has just given birth in a more pronounced way. The effort of pregnancy together with the episode of childbirth can lead to a time of exhaustion that makes sexual life simply disappear after the birth of the child. This fatigue will be managed as the baby's growth progresses and the housework and child rearing will be solved.

2.Nuisance. Childbirth is a natural process that is not exempt from a very high effort that causes a lot of discomfort once the episode has passed. Postpartum is a difficult stage, since the body has to return to its place after having housed a baby for nine months. In addition, the discomfort that they already have of themselves after giving birth could be increased in intercourse, and that is why the desire goes down, since one can fear painful sexual intercourse after the birth of the baby.

3.Stress. The logical stress that comes with the arrival of a baby to the couple can make the mother, in addition to being exhausted, feel many times prey to nerves, which could end up symbolizing a situation so difficult that sex is in the background. The stress generated by the birth of the child can impair sexual desire and lack of libido, which will rise as time passes after delivery.

4.Complexes. For many women, the physical change that the body undergoes in the postpartum is a real revolution. Although many accept it as part of the natural process of being mothers, for many women it is very difficult to recognize in the obvious physical changes of the body after pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, complexes may appear that did not exist before, giving rise to fears and insecurities that reject sex during the weeks after delivery, because they do not feel comfortable with themselves after having given birth.