Santa Silvia Day, November 3rd. Names for girls

Silvia is a name for girl of Latin origin meaning 'the one who inhabits the forests'. From it derives the noun that we know as 'jungle' and it is a very emotional name that can be perfect for your daughter. Silvia is a frequent name since the 60s, but in all this time it has not lost freshness or na

Silvia is a name for girl of Latin origin meaning 'the one who inhabits the forests'. From it derives the noun that we know as 'jungle' and it is a very emotional name that can be perfect for your daughter.

Silvia is a frequent name since the 60s, but in all this time it has not lost freshness or naturalness. Celebrate his name day on November 3, which is the day of Santa Silvia.

Curiosities about the name Silvia

Because of the meaning of her name, Silvia has a charismatic personality full of wit and creativity . Her natural and fun nature easily make her the center of attention and her capacity for effort and commitment make her a successful worker.The name Silvia is known throughout the world thanks to the Latin tradition and

has been a very popular name in places as distant as the Slavic countries, France or the Nordic countries . In any case, this is a name that emanates sensitivity and nature in its pure state.It may help you to choose the name of your baby to know the relationship Silvia has with Roman mythology. And it is that Silvia was neither more nor less than

the mother of the twin founders of Rome, Romulo and Remo . In addition, a boy named Silvius, son of Eneas and Lavinia, was born in the forests of the Italian peninsula, thus becoming one of the first settlers in Italy.To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate his saint in the month of November, consult our calendar of names of Saints in November. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Vélez
