The importance of calcium during pregnancy

Calcium is a very important mineral in any person's daily diet, but above all, it is essential for pregnant women . Calcium will help the development of the baby's bones and teeth and is also essential for the baby's circulatory, muscular and nervous system to develop throughout pregnancy and functi

Calcium is a very important mineral in any person's daily diet, but above all, it is essential for pregnant women. Calcium will help the development of the baby's bones and teeth and is also essential for the baby's circulatory, muscular and nervous system to develop throughout pregnancy and function properly. Therefore, if you consume low levels of calcium before pregnancy, it is time for you to review your eating habits.

Recommended calcium during pregnancy

The recommended amount of calcium per day is 1200mg. If you do not consume enough calcium in your diet, the body will take it from the bones and over time they will weaken considerably and may lead to osteoporosis. Also, if the baby does not get enough calcium, it will also get it from your bones.

If during your pregnancy you have a healthy diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, you will not need to take a calcium supplement.

The foods that will ensure you enough calcium for your baby and for you are:

-Dairy products and their derivatives: cheese, milk, yugur ...

-Fish: sardines, monkfish, salmon, sea bream, sole

-Nuts: almonds, nuts, hazelnuts

-Vegetables: spinach, chard, cabbage, onion, broccoli

-Legumes: beans, chickpeas, tofu, soy

There are pregnant women who suffer from lactose intolerance, ie to the protein of milk. Lactose is a sugar that contains milk and causes a digestive problem in those who suffer from this intolerance,which should not be confused with cow's milk allergy. If you suffer from this condition, you will have to substitute cow's milk with another type of milk of vegetable origin, such as soy or almond milk. In any case, you should notice that they are enriched with calcium because the level they bring is very low.

Another way to get calcium is to go out every day to the street, you will wonder why. Vitamin D helps the body absorb and metabolize calcium and we obtain this vitamin from solar lud. In addition there are foods that have vitamin D such as egg yolk, butter, fatty fish or fish liver oil.

Finally, a recommendation, dairy usually have fat, if you want to take enough calcium in addition to not overweight in pregnancy, you can opt for por skimmed milk, because they keep calcium or low cheeses in fat .