Why some children are afraid to poop

Some children go through phases in which they are afraid to poop. This fear usually starts when they leave the diaper and start using the toilet or potty. But the fear of pooping can occur at other stages of development, beyond the 3-4 years causing great concern among parents who see how their chil

Some children go through phases in which they are afraid to poop. This fear usually starts when they leave the diaper and start using the toilet or potty. But the fear of pooping can occur at other stages of development, beyond the 3-4 years causing great concern among parents who see how their children retain their stools until they sometimes end up overflowing or need laxatives to your evacuation

Causes of fear of pooping in children

The main causes for which children are afraid of pooping are usually 2 and en are based on age . Generally in the smallest the fear has to do with an evolutionary issue and in the older ones constipation is usually the most common and frequent factor.1.

Fear of losing part of oneself.This is the main cause in children between 24 and 30 months. In the stage in which we removed the diaper and began to put the child in the potty. Moment in which he begins to be aware that when he poops something out of him. It is here when some children begin to be afraid, they get scared because, when they defecate, they consider the stools they eliminate as a loss of something of their own. At this age, children are still not able to think that this residual material removed is something separate from their own body. Fortunately, it is a transitory phase that ends up remitting with a high dose of patience and understanding. Some children's books can help overcome this stage. 2.

Constipation and pain when evacuating.This is the case of children a little older or in children who already had the habit of going to the bathroom without difficulty. On this occasion the fear begins with a process of previous constipation in which the child has had difficulties in evacuating producing small wounds that cause pain. If this is your case you should go to the pediatrician because you may need to take some type of laxative that softens the stool and prevents pain. When a child hurts himself by pooping he may end up entering a vicious circle. Since it hurts, he does not want to do it and he keeps stools, which causes them to harden more and hurt more when he tries again. So the sooner we go to the pediatrician before we will stop this process. What to do to help children who are afraid of pooping

In most children the fear of pooping is transient

a transient stage that remits over time without the need for medical or psychological treatment. We should only worry if the attitude persists and becomes a kind of phobia. - Our calm and relaxed attitude towards the situation is the first step to help our son with fear of pooping. Children need us to transmit confidence and security and no worries, otherwise they think that something bad is happening to them so that the fear persists and intensifies.- If the fear is due to the fear of losing part of yourself

we should make the child see that defecation is something normal

, that mom and dad also go to the bathroom and nothing happens to them. We must also encourage their autonomy, go to the bathroom alone and participate in their hygiene and daily care avoiding being all day pending if they do or not poop. - In case the problem is due to constipation the best help is a change in the child's diet. It is necessary to prepare more laxative meals,rich in water and

fiber, so that your stools are softer and present less difficulty when defecating. In case constipation persists we should visit our pediatrician without fail.