Day of Saint Rómulo, February 17. Names for children

Rómulo is a name for a boy of Latin origin of uncertain meaning, although the majority agrees in its relation with 'the fig tree'. It is not a frequent name but due to its direct origin from Roman mythology, some parents consider it ideal for your child to maintain all the strength of character he n

Rómulo is a name for a boy of Latin origin of uncertain meaning, although the majority agrees in its relation with 'the fig tree'.

It is not a frequent name but due to its direct origin from Roman mythology, some parents consider it ideal for your child to maintain all the strength of character he needs. He celebrates his name day on February 17, which is the day of Saint Rómulo.

Curiosities about the name Rómulo

The name Rómulo implies a reflective and balanced personality. Rómulo loves tranquility and tranquility, so it gives off a serenity that he is capable of transmitting to his relatives. But Romulo is also persevering and tenacious, so his capacity for effort places him at the head of any company. His special charisma is determined by the mythological burden that comes from his name.

The name of your child is known throughout the world with hardly any variations, although it has never become a frequent name. It is a name linked to the foundation of Rome, which evokes prosperity and the hope of a better future. A name of height that can be the perfect name for your child who will not lack anecdotes to tell about his name.

Of course, the popularity of your child's name is due, above all, to that mythical Romulus, twin brother of Remus, son of the god Mars, who was abandoned as a child and suckled by a wolf and who would become the first king of Rome. The different versions of the legend and its close relationship with mythology and Roman historiography, will give rise to curious references for the name of your child.

From Roman antiquity Romulus Augustulus also came to us, considered by many the last Roman emperor. From a closer time we find the politician Rómulo Betancourt, who was president of Venezuela, as well as the Venezuelan Rómulo Gallegos, author of novels as well known as 'Doña Bárbara'. And more news we can not forget the Canarian artist Rómulo Celdrán.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Editor of