Children with disabilities

Children with disabilities are all those who have some deficiency, whether physical, mental, intellectual or sensory that affects them when it comes to integrating and participating fully in society. Helping the integration of children with disabilities is everyone's task. In we tel

Children with disabilities are all those who have some deficiency, whether physical, mental, intellectual or sensory that affects them when it comes to integrating and participating fully in society.

Helping the integration of children with disabilities is everyone's task. In we tell you how we can encourage and help children with disabilities and how to teach others to respect and accept them.

Disability in boys and girls

We tell you what the different types of disability consisten are and what activities can be done to stimulate the different disabilities. Children with visual disabilities. The role of society in front of a child with a visual impairment is extremely important for the child to feel integrated, considerate and respected.

Children with hearing disabilities. How to know if a baby hears well. offers some clues that can help parents detect possible deafness in their child. Deaf child

Children with motor disabilities. All children have the right to play. Children with motor disabilities can participate in children's activities with slight adaptations of the game. Games for children in a wheelchair.

Children with autism. Autism in a disease whose origin is still unknown. Autistic children seem to be absent from the world, as if they lived in a parallel world. The autistic child avoids eye contact with other people and yet they can stay with the stare as if they were looking at nothing. But can autism be cured? What treatment does it have?

Children with Asperger's Syndrome. Asperger children have normal appearance, normal intelligence and some special abilities. However, they are children who have difficulties in relating to others and their behavior is not appropriate at certain times. Knows an approximate profile of a child with Asperger's syndrome.

Children with Down Syndrome. Down syndrome is an anomaly in chromosomes that occurs in 1.3 out of every 1,000 births. For reasons that are still unknown, an error in the development of the cell leads to the formation of 47 chromosomes instead of the 46 that usually develop. The genetic material in excess changes slightly the regular development of the body and the brain. Children with Down syndrome.

Children with cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is the most frequent brain injury in childhood, and since the WHO is defined as disability, not as a disease. Causes and treatment of cerebral palsy in children. Child brain paralysis.

Games for children with motor disabilities. Each child is a world and each disability needs individual and personalized attention. But there is a series of games that can be beneficial for children who share a specific type of disability. We list some of them.

Therapies with dolphins for children with disabilities. Dolphin therapy in children. Dolphins are used in numerous treatments with children who have some type of disability or disorder. For example, they are used in the case of children with autism, are Down syndrome or cerebral palsy. In most cases, these therapies are indicated by a specialist, be it a psychologist or a physical therapist.

Help children understand disability. Parents play a fundamental role in how a child will act with a partner or friend with a disability. How to teach children to respect and act before other people with disabilities.

Sensory stimulation for children with disabilities. Sensory stimulation for children with Down syndrome. In the multisensory classroom great improvements are achieved in the concentration and coordination of children with disabilities. It is especially suitable for children with autism, language difficulty, deafness, paralysis or visual deficit.

Stimulate through games. Children with disabilities. Stimulate through games. The most effective method to achieve benefits in stimulation in children with disabilities is the game, since it is also flexible and adapts to the needs of each disability.

Drooling in children with disabilities. Drooling in children with cerebral palsy or other disability is caused by inadequate control of the muscles of the throat, mouth and tongue.

Toys for children with disabilities. It is important not to put in the hands of children with disabilities only toys that are aimed at younger children. We must try not to limit their abilities and potentialities by giving them little stimulating toys. It is very important to start from the child's possibilities and not from their limitations. Interview with the pedagogue José Antonio Pastor.