What the 3-year-old learns

Although children develop along fairly predictable milestones, the reality is that all the children in the world can not proceed in the same way or at the same time, so even if there are some considerations of general learning, each child can develop at a totally different pace. The child's developm

Although children develop along fairly predictable milestones, the reality is that all the children in the world can not proceed in the same way or at the same time, so even if there are some considerations of general learning, each child can develop at a totally different pace.

The child's development and what he learns is influenced by the environment, by the experiences he has and by how the people around him stimulate him for his good development.

10 things that the baby learns with three years

1. The three-year-old baby is an explorer and uses the senses for his learning. He increases his focus on a task and is able to think creatively and methodically to solve problems.

2. They learn more vocabulary and begin to improve pronunciation. Start with simple conversations and want to talk more about the things that interest you.

3. Is able to listen and understand conversations, stories, songs or poems.

4. They want to know more about the things that surround them. Improvement in logical reasoning skills and play more time. Son 5. They are able to do simple puzzles, to classify and order objects.

6. They know what is the same of the different, they count to 5 and they recognize the numbers from 0 to 10.

7. Their gross motor and motor skills have improved a lot. They run, climb, ride a tricycle, play on the swings, play ball and can catch it with both hands in the air.

8. Fine motor skills have improved considerably and you can use your fingers more effectively. They can paint by picking up pencils with their fingers and not with their fists, they can make balls and snakes with plasticine and even undress without help.

9. In the emotional area they begin to have friendships with other children and emotional conflicts may arise. When there are conflicts, they look for the adult. They need the emotional security of close adults and will begin to understand their feelings, although it will still be difficult for them to control their frustration.

10. They like to enjoy the symbolic and imaginary game.

It is important to remember that not all three years are the same and that

children can develop at a different rate . If you are concerned about the development of your child because he no longer does things he used to do before, it is important that you consult your doctor. But if your child is having a normal development, do not hurry, each child has its own pace of development and learning.