
Is one of the most important learnings of children. Just as they must learn to eat, to walk, to dress, to bathe, etc., they must learn to sleep. Since they are born, sleeping well is something that they must learn little by little. If your child is one of those who do not sleep well, keeps awake at

is one of the most important learnings of children. Just as they must learn to eat, to walk, to dress, to bathe, etc., they must learn to sleep. Since they are born, sleeping well is something that they must learn little by little. If your child is one of those who do not sleep well, keeps awake at night or does not get to sleep, keep in mind this decalogue that ha

has developed for children to fall asleep in the best possible way and also have happy dreams. Decalogue for children to sleep well 1.

The environment.

For children to sleep well it is important that they do so in a calm and relaxing environment, with minimal possible lighting. 2. The routine

. It is convenient to take the baby to the crib or put the children to bed every day, at the same time. And to know how many hours of sleep children need, depending on their age, we can follow our sleep time table. 3.The ritual

. So that the children do not have difficulties to conciliate the dream, a ritual can be created for it. The ideal is that you always follow it. For example: singing to the baby can be a ritual for him to understand that it is time to sleep. Telling a story to children, or giving them a massage, can also be very valid rituals. 4.The power

. It is advisable not to feed or drink the baby or the child just before they fall asleep. Food and even liquids can hinder children's sleep. You should avoid drinks with caffeine and even with chocolate before bedtime. 5.Activities

. Before sleeping, it is best for parents to propose quiet activities to their children. Moved games or any other activity may cause nervousness in children and they will complain that they can not sleep. 6.The 'companions'

. If your child is one of those who depend on a pacifier or a stuffed animal or sleeping tissue, it is important that when they wake up, they are found by their side. You will feel more secure. 7.The temperature

. In addition to quiet, the child's room should have a pleasant temperature, not too cold or too hot. Extreme temperatures can cause children to wake up at night. 8.The noise

. Ambient noise should be minimal during children's nighttime sleep. During naps or daytime sleep, it is advisable that the baby learn to sleep with the usual sounds of the house. 9.Sleep alone

. It is important that the baby and children learn to fall asleep alone, that is, without the help of parents. If they are used to sleeping by our side, when they wake up they will claim our presence. 10.Fears and night awakenings

. If the baby or the child feels night fear after a nightmare, they will need support and tranquility. Parents should arm themselves with patience if they want to get their child back to sleep.