Stages of labor: delivery

When the stage of labor in which you have to expel the placenta has come, you have already done the most complicated and intense work. The phase of dilation with its frequent contractions and the bids to achieve the birth of the baby have left you exhausted, but you have to draw more strength for th

When the stage of labor in which you have to expel the placenta has come, you have already done the most complicated and intense work. The phase of dilation with its frequent contractions and the bids to achieve the birth of the baby have left you exhausted, but you have to draw more strength for this last phase of delivery. There is nothing left to finish this whole process and you can enjoy your baby.

Expulsion of the placenta at birth

The placenta is the organ where your baby has lived for the past nine and a half months. He transferred all the necessary nutrients and kept him away from certain bacteria and germs. This bag protected the baby throughout the entire pregnancy. If after giving birth you feel like seeing the placenta, you will find yourself before a membrane full of blood vessels, so if you feel apprehension when you see blood, it is better to avoid this moment.After the baby is born, you will still have contractions. At this stage of delivery that involves the delivery or expulsion of the placenta, the midwife or gynecologist will help you perform this last job by the pressure and massage of the abdomen

, may even ask you to push once more. The personnel in charge of your delivery will examine the placenta to verify that it has left all and that no fragment has been left inside, something that can cause infections and hemorrhages. If you have had an episiotomy or have suffered a tear, this is the time when the area will be sewn. If you have had epidural anesthesia, you will still have the area asleep and you will only notice that they are giving you points. Afterwards you should have acareful hygiene so that the spots do not get infected

. After a week, the points will be much better, they will have fallen almost without you noticing and the annoyance will be much less. At the end of this stage of birth, you can already be with your baby. It is a very special moment, it is the first time that you are together outside the womb, you can feel and caress him, he has also lived the whole process of childbirth, and warm contact with his mother will not hurt him.If you have opted for breastfeeding, it is an ideal time to approach the nipple and the baby can begin to take the first milk, colostrum. A liquid rich in nutrients that will be your food until the rise of milk.