Earth air fire and water. Classic children's game

The traditional children's games are a fundamental pillar in the popular culture of a country. Thanks to them, several generations have been growing and developing as people, since this type of games embody indispensable values ​​for the socialization and maturity of the child such as teamwork and c

The traditional children's games are a fundamental pillar in the popular culture of a country. Thanks to them, several generations have been growing and developing as people, since this type of games embody indispensable values ​​for the socialization and maturity of the child such as teamwork and companionship.

From Guiainfantil we wanted to relive the memories of childhood recovering several of the classic games that have enlivened the free time to thousands of children. One of these hobbies is 'Earth, air, fire and water', a very fun game for children to enjoy their free time.

How to play land, air, fire and water. Children's pastime

Earth, air, fire and wateris a well-known game in which in addition the knowledge about the environment and mental quickness play a very important role, hence it is a children's game widely used by education teachers physical as an educational tool.

In this traditional game, a child group must choose one to be a judge. This child will have to be in the center of a circle formed by all the participants and carry a ball.

The moment you start to count to 10, the rest of the children will run to get away as much as they can. When the account is finished, the other players must stop.

From that moment, the player who possesses the ball must throw it into the lap of one of the other players, while shouting 'earth', 'air', 'fire' or 'water':

- If he shouts 'earth', the player who receives the ball must mention an animal that lives on the ground.

- If he shouts 'water', the player who receives the ball must mention the name of some fish.

- If he shouts 'fire', the player who receives the ball must mention the name of some object that can resist the fire.

- If he shouts 'air', the player who receives the ball must mention the name of a bird.

In the event that 5 seconds pass and the player has not answered or his answer is wrong, he will be eliminated and will have to act as a judge.