Children's games that help cope with school subjects

A new school year begins and with it homework, study, exams ... Tasks that require concentration, attention, memory and motivation of the children. Attention, memory, the ability to concentrate are very important skills when it comes to learning, because if there is no attention, we can not process

A new school year begins and with it homework, study, exams ... Tasks that require concentration, attention, memory and motivation of the children.

Attention, memory, the ability to concentrate are very important skills when it comes to learning, because if there is no attention, we can not process the important stimuli and if we do not attend to what is important, learning becomes very difficult. Although they usually develop with the maturation of the child, (the attention span of a 3-year-old child is not the same as that of a 10-year-old child), there are children's games and activities that we can do with them to deal with school subjects and Improve these skills in a playful and fun way.

Children's games to deal with school subjects

We propose a series of children's games that help the child to face the school subjects as they stimulate their capacity for concentration, attention and memory:

- Labyrinths. With these activities we work with attention, concentration, organization and spatial reasoning and fine motor skills important for writing. So - Soups of letters

: in them we work the attention, (look for among many letters those that form a certain word), but we also work skills related to reading and writing and spelling.- Puzzles and puzzles: de Always games that help the child to work the attention, visual integration, perceptive reasoning and concentration.

- Chained words. In this game we put in motion especially important skills for reading and writing, so it is a fun game and very useful especially for children who start reading and writing.

- Intruder identification activities . It is a question of searching among a set of images that is not related to the rest. In addition to working on attention and reasoning, we work with children on vocabulary, language, concepts.

- Find the differences: a game in which you have to find the differences between two apparently identical drawings, which will help the children to work on their attentional capacity, perceptive reasoning, concentration, etc ... (from 4 years old we can play with they look for easy differences).


: the game of memorizing couples fun and that children love. In the work we work attention and visual memory. -Simón:

a life-long game available for mobile phones and tablets in which we work with visual and auditory memory and attention. - Double:

a game in which we start the attention, the speed of processing, (we must be very fast!). Computer games and children's games to stimulate concentration-


: an app with which we can work on attention and basic skills for literacy and spelling. -The Popi ara spider, an orthographic parchís with which to learn and work on spelling in a visual and fun way for children, (from 3rd grade of primary school).

- The cave of Tragapalabrasin a game for the computer in which we work basic skills for reading, writing and attention is also worked.

All these apps and games are valid and very useful for all children, and can be especially useful for children with learning difficulties, (dyslexia, ADHD, etc ...) It is important to adapt the difficulty of the games to the children's age, and take it for what it is, a game, so we must help the child, give clues if he is frustrated, share the game with him, and not "penalize" the mistakes.