The apple of discord. Short stories for children

Greek mythology contains the foundations of Western culture. In Guiainfantil we are adapting the mythological legends in the form of short stories for children so that they can learn and have fun at the same time. On this occasion we tell the legend of the golden apple . A golden apple destined for

Greek mythology contains the foundations of Western culture. In Guiainfantil we are adapting the mythological legends in the form of short stories for children so that they can learn and have fun at the same time.

On this occasion we tell the legend of the golden apple. A golden apple destined for the most beautiful goddess that generated a great discussion between the goddesses and that was also the original reason that caused the famous Trojan War.

The golden apple for the most beautiful

The wedding of the nymph Tethys and the mortal Peleus were celebrated with a celebration to which all the gods were invited. Everybody? No. When making the guest list someone forgot Eris, the goddess of discord. Although the gossips say that they did not forget to invite her, but they did not want her at the wedding banquet so that she would not provoke any discussion.

The idea of ​​not inviting Eris was not very good because, invited or not, she was willing to generate conflict. Offended because they had not invited her to the wedding, when all the gods were enjoying the meal, she threw a golden apple on the banquet table in which she put: 'for the most beautiful'. The golden apple went to stop around three goddesses, Athena, Aphrodite and Hera. Each of them wanted that apple because each one thought they were the most beautiful.

That situation smelled of discussion and Zeus escaped from making the decision as to who the apple corresponded to, which was the same as deciding which of the three goddesses was the most beautiful. So he passed the hot potato to a mortal, to Paris Alejandro, Prince of Troy who was on Mount Ida taking care of his sheep. And there the three goddesses stood in front of Paris Alejandro to solve the question.

- Who do you think this apple belongs to? - asked the three goddesses at the same time.

Paris Alejandro read that on the golden apple he put: 'for the most beautiful' and he knew that he was in trouble. But there was no way to get away and I had to make a decision. The three goddesses helped him to decide with some promises of the most juicy. "If you choose me," said Hera, who was the most powerful mother goddess, "I will make you the richest and most powerful man." "If you choose me," said Athena, who was the goddess of war and wisdom, "I will make you conquer many kingdoms and you will have great intelligence.

- If you choose me, le Aphrodite said, who was the goddess of love, you will have the most beautiful woman in the world.Not that

Paris Alejandro had any doubt about which of the three goddesses was the most beautiful, because everyone knows that there is no goddess more beautiful thanAphrodite

. But he feared getting the other two goddesses angry if he did not choose them. What a problem, because I could only choose one. FinallyParis Alejandro

decided to bet to be honest and choose Aphrodite as the most beautiful because that was what she really thought. And with the truth you always get everywhere. If the beautiful Helena, who was the most beautiful woman in the world, was waiting for her as a reward, what else could she ask for?

So Paris Alejandro handed her the golden apple to Aphrodite and the goddess fulfilled her promise to make the most beautiful woman in the world fall in love. Meanwhile, Athenaand

Hera could not be more angry and told her that it would not be like that. Indeed, that was not there because due to the love of Paris Alejandro and Helena would come the Trojan war . But that's another story we'll tell another day. Laura Vélez. Editor of