Infantile autism. Symptoms and treatment

Autism is one of the disorders in which early detection is more important. Appropriate therapies for autistic children can help them overcome communication and learning difficulties, so knowing the symptoms is key. The treatment of a child with autism also affects their family and social environment

Autism is one of the disorders in which early detection is more important. Appropriate therapies for autistic children can help them overcome communication and learning difficulties, so knowing the symptoms is key.

The treatment of a child with autism also affects their family and social environment. The support that the child should receive will come mainly from their parents, as well as specialists and teachers, so it is important that the family receives the necessary information to help the child to progress in their abilities.

How to help children with autism

The fact that a child has symptoms of autism should not alarm us, it is convenient to go to the doctor to determine if it really is autism and to what extent it may be affected.

Childhood autism

The child with autism. Autism in childhood. Advice for parents of children with autism. What is autism and what are its causes? Behavior of a child with autism. How to identify autism in babies. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurobiological disorder of development that manifests during the first three years of life and that will last throughout life.

Differences between Asperger and Autism. Asperger syndrome is a disorder within autism. Differences between Asperger syndrome and autism, in terms of physical development, language and social development of the child.

Autism, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Disorders such as autism, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder share a significant number of genes that contribute to their development, according to a study by Columbia University in New York (USA). We tell you what are the common genetic factors in autism, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Autism and learning. Children with autism must acquire the social and communication skills they do not have in order to relate to their peers. They can not learn them by imitation, like other children. Strategies for the education of an autistic child. Autism and children's learning. Specialized education for children with autism.

How to stimulate autistic children. Ideas to stimulate children with autism. How to play, communicate or approach a child with an autistic spectrum through stimulation activities. We propose a series of activities to stimulate children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to help them communicate and interact with others. Children with autism

How to diagnose autism. American researchers have developed a new method to diagnose autism. Scientific advances to detect and treat autistic children. Children with autism and attention deficit disorder.

How to overcome autism. According to a study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States, some children who were diagnosed with autism in early childhood lost symptoms as they grew

The family of an autistic child. Autism is a problem that affects a person and transcends their social environment. This disability disorder can affect the whole family and decisively influence their daily lives. The family of an autistic child

Therapies with animals. Therapies with animals for children with disabilities. reveals some animals that can become rehabilitative therapists for children with disabilities.

10 tips for parents with autistic children. If you are parents of autistic children, respect the way your children live, no matter what they do or do not do. Always tell them they love you. The English neurologist, Oliver Sacks, says that although autism is seen as a medical condition, it should also be considered as a complete mode of being, a profoundly different form of identity.

Myths about autism. Research on autism is advancing, and today we already know many things about this disorder. Autism in a developmental disorder and has a high percentage of hereditary component.

Communication of autistic children. Raimunda believes that an autistic person can become productive. An example of this is the art classes to which she pointed to Filipe. Years ago he began to move brushes and mix paintings and until today he has not separated from his easel. Filipe chooses the colors, determines the spaces, speaks and expresses his feelings through his paintings.

Empathy in children with autism. Children with autism present difficulties in their social relationships, but this is due to a different way of understanding others and relating to them. They present difficulties in having empathy and do not find meaning in the actions of others. Empathy in children with autism.

How the minds of children with autism work. Children with autism or with Asperger's syndrome have a logical reasoning different from the rest. Your mind is not able to put yourself in the place of the other and that is why it is so complicated to relate to other children. This theory is an example of how autistic children reason about something as simple as where a ball can be. How the minds of children with autism works

Exercises to foster empathy in children with autism. The lack of empathy in children with autism and with Asperger's Syndrome is one of their main socialization problems. Theory of Mind explains this problem and proposes solutions to teach children to understand that not everyone has the same point of view. Exercises to foster empathy in children with autism.

Stereotyped movements in children with autism. The Stereotyped Movement Disorder in children consists of voluntary, rhythmic and repetitive movements that have no objective in themselves. They always perform them in the same way and tend to accentuate in times of stress.

Testimony of the mother of a child with autism. Undoubtedly, there is a very hard time for parents: to receive and accept the hard moment of the diagnosis of infantile autism. Do not miss the testimony of this mother, Vanesa Pérez Padilla, mother of a child with severe autism and intellectual disability. This was the moment of the diagnosis of the autistic spectrum to a severe degree.