A snail and a conch shell. Poesía tongue-twisting for children

The tongue twisters are a great resource for children, not only helps them to pronounce well those words that cost more, but also gain mental agility and memory. If, in addition, we combine the benefits of tongue twisters with those of poetry, we achieve great things with very small actions. We invi

The tongue twisters are a great resource for children, not only helps them to pronounce well those words that cost more, but also gain mental agility and memory.

If, in addition, we combine the benefits of tongue twisters with those of poetry, we achieve great things with very small actions. We invite you to read this fun tongue twister for children: A snail and a conch. It's about learning by playing, do you sign up?Pole tongue twisters for children: A snail and a conch

A snail,

cabbage, cabbage, cabbage and a conch,

wave, wave, wave

went to the beach

to jump the waves.

A conch,

wave, wave, wave

and a snail,

cabbage, cabbage, cabbage,

went to the beach

to sunbathe.

A conch,

wave, wave, wave.

And a snail,

cabbage, cabbage, cabbage.

This tongue-twisting poetry can also be used to sing it while playing capo or playing games of palm. A great way to learn is to do it through games. And these

word games with rhyme

like children very much.