Games and songs of palms for children

Games with the palms of the hands . This is an activity that our grandmothers, our mothers, we played and our children will play. And what does this game have so that it has passed from generation to generation? It does not require disbursing money and can be played anywhere. It's just about holding

Games with the palms of the hands. This is an activity that our grandmothers, our mothers, we played and our children will play. And what does this game have so that it has passed from generation to generation? It does not require disbursing money and can be played anywhere. It's just about holding the palms together while singing a song. Two or more children can play and they have to clash their palms in different ways: one up and one down, in the middle or clapping. Song lyrics for children's palm games

The palm game is a classic pastime that not only entertains children, but also helps them boost their memory and coordination. In addition, it is not only a children's game, parents can also play with their children and have a good time.

On 24th Street

On the street-


a murder has been committed.
An old-ja
killed a cat-to
with the tip-ta
of the shoe-to.
Poor old-ha
poor cat-to
Poor tip-ta
of the shoe-to.

Choco, choco, la,

choco, choco, te, you
choco, la, choco, you


An old woman has fallen off a motorcycle.
a la chacha-cha
has fallen and has made a cha-cha.
Don Federico

Don Federico lost his wallet,

to marry a seamstress,
the seamstress lost her thimble,
to marry a general,
the general lost his sword,
to marry a beautiful lady,
the beautiful lady lost his fan,
to marry Don Federico,
Don Federico lost his eye
to marry a louse,
the louse lost its paws,
to marry a tick,
the tick lost its tail,
to marry a pepsi-cola,
the pepsi-cola lost its bubble,
to marry a bad witch,
the bad witch lost her kitten,
to marry Don Federico,
Don Federico said: No
and the bad witch was fainted,
the next day he said: What if
and the bad witch began to laugh.
A sailor

A sailor who went to the mari mari mar

to see what he could see veri veri and the only thing he could see veri veri was the background of the mari mari sea
A pigeon
A dove semicolon
that came from Mars point and apart

was called from a nest point and followed

it was an animal end point
it was a happy dot worm.