Nutrients needed in preadolescence and adolescence

As the child grows, your body experiences a series of physical changes that need to be supported by a healthy and balanced diet. In we explain what are the three nutrients needed in preadolescence and adolescence. Basic nutrients in preadolescence and adolescence In preadolescence a

As the child grows, your body experiences a series of physical changes that need to be supported by a healthy and balanced diet.

In we explain what are the three nutrients needed in preadolescence and adolescence.

Basic nutrients in preadolescence and adolescence

In preadolescence and adolescence, hormonal changes are experienced, which may also require the extra contribution of some micronutrients. The physical changes that the adolescent body experiences usually manifest through intense growth and an increase in muscle mass, which, if not careful, can become adipose tissue in certain areas.

The most necessary nutrients during this period are three:

- Iron.

- Vitamin D.

- Calcium.

Calcium and vitamin D are strictly necessary for growth and for the child's bones and teeth to be healthy and strong. Although calcium intake through diet is essential, its adequate absorption is essential for good bone health. In addition, to ensure a stable bone mass, a balance between phosphorus and calcium is necessary, a balance that must also be maintained in the diet. Vitamin D plays a transcendental role in the mineralization of the bones (calcium and phosphorus fixation), helping the absorption of calcium and phosphorus both at the intestinal and renal levels. On the other hand, vitamin K, although not as important as vitamin D, is necessary for the fixation of calcium in bones.

The increase in the volume of muscle mass requires an extra supply of iron through the diet. Iron can be provided in two forms, heme and non-heme. Foods of animal origin (except eggs) contain heme iron, which is easier for the body to absorb. Non-heme iron, from foods of vegetable origin, such as legumes or green leafy vegetables, is used to a lesser extent, so it is necessary to contribute more to get the same contribution. To increase the efficiency in which non-haem iron is absorbed, it can be combined, in the same meal, with foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, peppers, broccoli, tomatoes ...

In addition, especially in girls when menstruation appears, Special emphasis should be placed on the contribution of iron to prevent possible anemia.

It is equally important to ensure a caloric intake appropriate to the child's age, gender and physical activity para, to avoid falling into the overweight networks. However, unfortunately, this is a stage in which nutritional needs vary greatly in a short time, and we must also be aware of the emergence of possible eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia, so carefully observe what we eat. son must be one of our priorities.