Why it is convenient to consume fats during pregnancy

Fat is always preceded by a bad reputation that, although it is partially true, it is advisable to take it with caution. The fat is indispensable in the feeding, concretely, the essential fatty acids, since these fatty can not synthesize the organism but they are necessary for its good operation. Th

Fat is always preceded by a bad reputation that, although it is partially true, it is advisable to take it with caution. The fat is indispensable in the feeding, concretely, the essential fatty acids, since these fatty can not synthesize the organism but they are necessary for its good operation. The only way to obtain them is, therefore, through the diet. We tell you why you have to consume fats during pregnancy and where to get those "good fats".

It is good to consume fats during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the woman's body changes its priorities as it not only has to meet their own needs but also those that the development of the baby requires. Essential fatty acids are of vital importance for the development of the baby, and, according to research, the needs of the same fat during pregnancy, although not clearly established, are much higher than at any other time of pregnancy. life of the woman.

Although essential fatty acids are essential in pregnancy, the third trimester represents the time of greatest requirements since omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids participate in the formation and proper development of the fetus' nervous system and brain, something which culminates in this last quarter.

There are only two fatty acids that are strictly essential for the organism:

- B-linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid).

- Linoleic acid (an omega 3 fatty acid)

The rest may, in one way or another, be obtained through the metabolism of others. However, there are two more, which are synthesized from B-linolenic acid: docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), whose contribution through diet is highly desirable, since the conversion rates from B-linolenic are tremendously low and inefficient.

EPA and DHA acids also have essential functions in the development of the baby. Specifically, they participate in the development of the cognitive function and in the development of the visual function of the fetus (especially the retina), as well as in the development of the nervous system and the brain in general, as well as the rest of the fatty acids. omega 3 and 6. The best sources of EPA and DHA are blue fish, mainly salmon and tuna, but also sardines and herring. However, during pregnancy the consumption of fish also rises as a source of alarm due to its content in mercury and other toxins. For this reason it is convenient to look for fish with low amounts of mercury, and interestingly, salmon and sardines, according to the existing data, are among those that contain less mercury. Fat is necessary for the organism, and even more in pregnancy

, where dispensing with it in its entirety would result in problems in the health and development of the baby. It is only necessary to avoid unhealthy fats, such as saturated fats and trans fats.