Elephants. I like elephants. Children's song in English

Letter of the song in English Elephants. I like elephants , for children. Guiainfantil.co m presents a selection of the best children's songs recommended by parents. With this song you can encourage the learning of English in children. They will be able to increase their vocabulary in English, in a

Letter of the song in English Elephants. I like elephants, for children. Guiainfantil.com presents a selection of the best children's songs recommended by parents. With this song you can encourage the learning of English in children. They will be able to increase their vocabulary in English, in a fun and very instructive way.

Letter Elephants. I like elephants. English song for children

Know the lyrics of the most popular songs for children and enjoy singing and dancing with your children. Music helps stimulate the little ones. We invite you to sing Elephants. I like elephants with the children. Follow the lyrics:

Elephants. I like elephants.
I like how they swing through trees
Monkeys. I like monkeys.
I like how they swim in the ocean
Fish. I like fish.
I like how they scratch at fleas and sniff at trees and bark at the mailman
Gotta like dogs.
Curled up on the windowsill purring, and chasing mice
Cats. I like cats.
I like how they say, Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Roosters. I like roosters.
I like how they gallup and trot
Horses. I like horses.
I like how they reach into beehives for the honey
Bears. I like bears.
I like how they jump up to catch a fly and sit on a lilypad
Gotta like frogs.
Running through a maze for some cheese
Mice. I like mice.
I like how they say, Oink! Oink! Oink!
Piggies. I like piggies.
I like how they hop and eat carrots
Bunnies. I like bunnies.
I like how they stomp through the jungle with their big gray trunks

By Eric Herman

Children's songs for children and babies to learn English

ABC in EnglishFive litte monkeysI like elephants