Calendar of the names of saints of December

Choose a name of saint for your baby among the many names of saints that are celebrated in the month of December. In order to help you choose a name for your baby, has prepared this precious Calendar of Saints with names of saints for each day of the month of December. Names of Dece

Choose a name of saint for your baby among the many names of saints that are celebrated in the month of December. In order to help you choose a name for your baby, has prepared this precious Calendar of Saints with names of saints for each day of the month of December.

Names of December saints for babies

On each calendar date you will find one or two saint names. You only have to click on each date to know the origin and meaning of the name of the saint to which it corresponds. And then, if you click on the drawing of the name you can go to a page where you will find the drawing of the corresponding name to print and color with your child. In addition, the child can learn to write the name.

Check our calendar of names of saints month by month