Autumn fruits for children

Although we are increasingly accustomed to having all fruits available at any time, the truth is that, when they are in season, their nutritional properties are at their peak, as they have been allowed to grow and mature naturally. In addition, and as an additional incentive, they are usually cheape

Although we are increasingly accustomed to having all fruits available at any time, the truth is that, when they are in season, their nutritional properties are at their peak, as they have been allowed to grow and mature naturally. In addition, and as an additional incentive, they are usually cheaper, something to consider in the shopping cart.

In we are going to do a review of autumn fruits for children, we tell you which ones are booming on these dates and their different properties. Seasonal foods: Fall fruits for children



Although they are not very popular, they are autumn fruits for children that are quite rich in sugars, so they provide a lot of energy. In addition, although they do not contain many proteins, they are of very good quality, containing the vast majority of essential amino acids. They are very rich in fiber, although not so much in minerals and vitamins. It is important to remember that they should not be consumed until they are well matured, until then they contain a compound that can cause skin irritations. -Apples and pears

are one of the most popular fruits among children. Both fruits are characterized by having a high water content, over 80% and variable depending on the variety of the fruit, being ideal to maintain the hydration of children, especially when they refuse to drink water. In addition, both contain pectins or soluble fiber in not insignificant amounts, which is very important to maintain the proper functioning of the intestine. Its main minerals are potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, although they also contain calcium, of great importance for bones and teeth. As for vitamins, both contain vitamin C, as well as niacin, thiamin and riboflavin, but in addition, the apple also contains folic acid. The apple is characterized, in fact, by its antioxidant power thanks to its content of vitamin C and flavonoids. -


are one of the star fruits when it comes to combat constipation. In addition, they contain a lot of vitamin C, so much that, with the consumption of a kiwi, it covers more than 75% of the recommended daily intakes for this nutrient. No - We should not forget the chestnuts , so popular in these months. Chestnuts have a composition more similar to cereals than nuts, with a high content of complex carbohydrates and a minimum amount of fat, so they are ideal as a snack and to warm up. They are usually consumed roasted, which facilitates the availability of their carbohydrates. They do not contain many vitamins, and their main mineral is phosphorus, important for the brain. The main drawback of the chestnuts is the high presence of tannins, which, although they are important antioxidants, provide a bitter taste. It is advisable to leave the chestnuts to rest for at least a week before their consumption so that the tannin content decreases and does not affect its flavor.