Special care for a teenage pregnancy

Supposedly the ideal time to get pregnant is between 20 and 30 years. This limit of 30 years is increasingly open to the socio-economic situation of today's women. That's why it's no longer strange to see first-time mothers in their 40s. Weird, it turns out, at least in some parts of the world, to s

Supposedly the ideal time to get pregnant is between 20 and 30 years. This limit of 30 years is increasingly open to the socio-economic situation of today's women. That's why it's no longer strange to see first-time mothers in their 40s. Weird, it turns out, at least in some parts of the world, to see a future teenage mom. But teenage pregnancy does not concern us with weirdness, but with the risks involved and the special care it needs.

The risks of a teenage pregnancy

Although in some societies it is considered more appropriate to be a mother at a very young age, the fact is that a teenage pregnancy is generally considered high risk. And is that the body of the teenager is not yet fully formed to endure without complications the development of a baby for nine months.

Both the pelvis and the birth canal are immature during adolescence, so a pregnancy too early can cause complications at the time of delivery, but also in the development of the baby. It is very common for babies of teenage mothers to be born with low birth weight and the risk of respiratory distress is also very high. In addition, a greater number of cases of pre-eclampsia, vaginal bleeding, premature births and emergency caesarean sections are observed in these teenage pregnancies. Nor can we ignore the lifestyle

of a teenager who is not ready to face motherhood. We refer to adolescence as a time when eating disorders and excesses are frequent, as well as being the time when young women start smoking. Certain habits, which can be considered as age-specific but are not exempt from health risks, pose a danger to the development of the baby. The care of a teenage pregnancy We are not going to talk about the convenience or not of being a teenage mother, of suddenly assuming some responsibility for which it is not yet prepared, but we do not want to overlook that a teenage pregnancy requires some

special care

to reduce risks in the baby and in the future mother. The main step that must be taken is to face the fears of family conflict that the visit may cause and to attend the first prenatal visit as soon as possible. The diet

the lifestyle will be fundamental when it comes to ensuring the proper development of a teenage pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to eat healthy and balanced and avoid bad habits such as sedentary lifestyle, alcohol or tobacco. At all times, a teenage pregnancy must be supervised by specialists who check the welfare of both the mother and the baby. And in most cases, psychological treatment will be necessary to help the adolescent cope with motherhood.