When the children can use a pillow

Adults can not sleep without a pillow and we tend to think that in children it is also an essential element to provide them with a good night's sleep, however depending on the age we can harm the health of our children. our children so it is advisable to follow the following recommendations. When ch

Adults can not sleep without a pillow and we tend to think that in children it is also an essential element to provide them with a good night's sleep, however depending on the age we can harm the health of our children. our children so it is advisable to follow the following recommendations.

When choosing whether or not our children should use a pillow, we must take into account: on the one hand their age, on the other hand their physical structure and finally the position in which they usually sleep.

Why not use a pillow with babies

It is important that you bear this in mind before looking for a pillow for your baby. These are the reasons why pediatricians discourage the use of pillows in babies: El 1. The use of the pillow, as well as cushions or stuffed animals, in the crib can cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, since it can be upside down during sleep and

not being able to turn around .2. The babies' head is proportionally bigger than their shoulders, so the use of the pillow would prevent a natural alignment of your back because

the natural curvature of your neck fuerza is forced and it would be uncomfortable. The best age for children to use a pillow From the physiological point of view, the ideal thing would be for the child to use a pillow

when his shoulders are wider than his head

, since he allows his head, neck and back to be aligned Between 2 and 4 years old children have to move a lot while they sleep so perhaps in these ages the use they are going to give the pillows is really very small and can appear anywhere in the bed except under your head .After 4 years, children's sleep is usually less mobile and may be more recommendable, taking into account the posture they usually adopt at bedtime.

The type of pillow depending on the position of the child when sleeping


Upside down:

If the child sleeps on the stomach, it is recommended not to use a pillow or use a thin one of no more than 10 centimeters. 2. Face up:

If the most comfortable position of the child to sleep is face up, it is advisable to use a thin pillow that fits the back of the neck so that the neck is not very flexed and thus favor their rest. Some experts recommend the butterfly pillow in this posture. 3. On the side:

If the child usually sleeps on their side, experts recommend a firm, thin pillow to align the head and spine. Cristina González Hernando . Editor of Guiainfantil.com