
Eye redness, which may associate other symptoms, depending on the cause that is motivating it, such as "foreign body sensation", eye swelling, pain, blemishes, photophobia, lachrymation, etc. Below we will explain several false myths about conjunctivitis in children. Nine false beliefs about conjunc

eye redness, which may associate other symptoms, depending on the cause that is motivating it, such as "foreign body sensation", eye swelling, pain, blemishes, photophobia, lachrymation, etc. Below we will explain several

false myths about conjunctivitis in children. Nine false beliefs about conjunctivitis in children


All conjunctivitis must be treated with antibiotic eye drops. This is not the case. The origin of conjunctivitis in children can be different from a bacterial infection. For example: neither those that have an inflammatory-irritative nature (related to the use of contact lenses, foreign bodies, etc.), nor those of allergic origin (such as those of pollinosis) or those of viral origin (for example: adenovirus of the pools) are treated with antibiotics. 2-

Bleeding secretions should be washed with chamomile water . It is best to gently detach the blemish secretions with the help of a little physiological serum, or with the help of specific wipes. Chamomile water is not a sterile solution, and may also contain small fragments of the plant itself.3-

In conjunctivitis of infectious origin, you only have to treat the diseased eye. It is important to treat both, because the picture can spread from one to the other. 4-

My child has bacterial conjunctivitis, so it can not be taken to the child's school or school until the picture has completely given way. This is false. After 24-48 hours of treatment with antibiotic eye drops, there is no risk of infection. 5- Eye drops are more effective

than eye drops in ointment / gel format. False. They are equally effective. 6- Ointments are more uncomfortable than eye drops.

The opposite. In fact, many parents prefer to use ointments for their younger children, because they are administered only 2-3 times a day. The eye drop should be applied every 4-6 hours. 7- As soon as my child's bacterial conjunctivitis subsides, I have to stop treatment

. False. I have to meet a week of treatment, to prevent the box reappears. 8-I have to keep for another time what is on the pot of eye drops or ointment.

Each used boat must be discarded and not stored, because it has been contaminated. 9- Children can not wear sunglasses.

Nothing is further from reality. Its use can alleviate the discomfort due to light exposure that is noticed in some cases of conjunctivitis in children. Of course: we have to acquire them in an optician, because the glasses must be approved for use by the smallest of the house.