Volcano erupting. Scientific experiment for children

In Guiainfantil.com we teach you how to make your own homemade volcano with clay so that it has more consistency, although you can also use plasticine. But also, we show you how you can make it erupt. It is a fun science experiment for children to learn while playing. It is very easy to perform and

In Guiainfantil.com we teach you how to make your own homemade volcano with clay so that it has more consistency, although you can also use plasticine. But also, we show you how you can make it erupt.

It is a fun science experiment for children to learn while playing. It is very easy to perform and you will have a great time!


  • 2 clay molds
  • Black, white and green plasticine
  • Vinegar
  • Water
  • Gel
  • Spoon
  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • Dye

How to make, step by step, a homemade volcano

1. Before putting yourself to work, place a Newspaper on the table to avoid soiling with clay and lava. Open the two clay molds and start to knead them. With one of them make a ball (it will be the mountain) and the other crush it, it will be the base of the volcano.

2. Join both parts together and mold with your hands to create the shape of a volcano. It has been smooth and has a conical shape.

3. To decorate the volcano, create white plasticine balls and place them around the top of the volcano. To continue decorating make churros or strips of black plasticine and place them side down. Extend the plasticine well against the clay so that it is slightly fused with the mountain.

4. To create the crater of the volcano, use a spoon and extract some clay.

5. Put a few drops of red dye in a bowl, add a small glass of vinegar and a little vinegar. Remove the mixture. Pour the contents of the mixture into the crater of the volcano.

6. Now is when the action begins: add a spoonful of baking soda and you'll see what happens ... the volcano erupts! If you want more lava to come out, you will have to add a little more.