Day of the Virgin of Lourdes, February 11. Names for girls

Lourdes is a name for a girl whose origin is found in the French place name Lorda, which is an equally interesting form as the name of your daughter. In the same way, you can also choose to write Lurdes, since it is the variant in Spanish although it is much less frequent. In any case, Lourdes is a

Lourdes is a name for a girl whose origin is found in the French place name Lorda, which is an equally interesting form as the name of your daughter. In the same way, you can also choose to write Lurdes, since it is the variant in Spanish although it is much less frequent.

In any case, Lourdes is a perfect name for your girl because she maintains the tradition without being outdated. Celebrate his name day on February 11, which is the day of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Curiosities about the name Lourdes

The name Lourdes implies a en energetic and dynamic personality . Lourdes is endowed with a special strength of character that leads her to be organized, constant and decisive so she generally achieves success in everything she undertakes. In addition Lourdes is passionate, of firm convictions and a great fighter for her people and for what she believes in.The name of your daughter is another of those names that the Virgin Mary receives, in this case originated from the place name that leads the place

where the Virgin made several of her appearances, Lourdes, a town in the French Pyrenees. Thanks to the popularity that this place has acquired, as well as its sanctuary that receives thousands of visitors every day, there are many girls who bear this name. The episode that gave renown to the town of Lourdes occurred

on February 11, 1858 , hence its name day is celebrated that day. It seems that the Virgin appeared to a girl named Bernadette and led her to find a spring of healing waters that still stands today. The name Lourdes, therefore, is always synonymous with health and well-being.What little knows is that one of the most mythical actresses in Hollywood also bears the name of your daughter, Maria de Lourdes Villiers Farrow, better known as Mia Farrow.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.