What you should not do when your child starts talking

Your baby is saying his first words, it is important that you stimulate him during that breakthrough. You will be able to do with it a multitude of games that will help you to develop the language correctly, but your impatience to help him often translates into an attitude that can slow down his dev

Your baby is saying his first words, it is important that you stimulate him during that breakthrough. You will be able to do with it a multitude of games that will help you to develop the language correctly, but your impatience to help him often translates into an attitude that can slow down his development.

In Guiainfantil.com we tell you some of the things you should never do when you start talking.

8 errors of parents when the baby starts talking

1- Do not interrupt: Let him speak at his own pace, even if it is slow. Do not change the subject or prevent him from expressing himself in any way, since he needs to know that language is important to communicate with you and your environment. No 2- Do not finish your sentences:

Sometimes children do not know enough vocabulary and they stop thinking in the middle of a sentence, do not finish it to speed up the conversation, let them talk, and explain new words to expand their vocabulary. 3- Do not correct him:

When he says a word wrong, do not correct him, continue the conversation as if it were normal. Those words badly done will be very funny, you can laugh but always in a way that does not frustrate your child. You can enter the said good word again into the conversation next time. 4- Try to always answer him:

When he asks you something, even if you are very busy, always try to answer him and give explanations about his curiosity, this will expand his vocabulary. 5- Do not talk to her in a more childish way:

You need to be careful with the vocabulary, and use phrases according to your age, but you should not make the mistake of speaking to them as if they were babies, or as if they did not understand. 6- Do not eliminate too many words:

Sometimes we try to facilitate the language too much, and really it is necessary to learn new words, so within your sentence try to introduce a word that they do not know and then explain its meaning. 7- Allow him time to answer:

In his brain the words come at a slower pace, sometimes it is difficult for him to answer because he can not find the exact words and that provokes anger when he feels unable to communicate. You have to give them time, try to help them express themselves when they are frustrated and let them see that you understand them. 8-Do not answer for him:

When they ask you something in the street, and are not able to answer or remain silent, try to respect those silences and do not answer for him, at least in a while, because if you We put hurry we can create anxiety. In a short time, your child will be able to speak perfectly with you and it will be one of the most beautiful experiences you will have lived with him: to teach him to communicate with others.