How and when to take the baby's nightly feeding

Many parents ask when the nightly shot can be removed, in order to be able to rest better. However, as in all aspects of parenting I do not like to talk about closed dates. Each child is a world, and needs its own rhythm. With the nightly shots the same thing happens, although it is true that before

Many parents ask when the nightly shot can be removed, in order to be able to rest better. However, as in all aspects of parenting I do not like to talk about closed dates. Each child is a world, and needs its own rhythm.

With the nightly shots the same thing happens, although it is true that before four months all the small ones require more frequent shots since their stomach has little capacity; It is also necessary to give them every few minutes to prevent possible sugar shortages at long periods of fasting.

Baby nighttime

With breastfeeding: Breast milk is digested quickly, so it is normal for our child to ask for breast often. Suction does not only have a feeding function; it goes beyond, it is comfort, closeness, affection, protection. This is why babies relax so much to their mother's breast. At night they do not always feed, but seek to be close to mom.

Due to the physiology of breastfeeding, having the stimulation (suction) during the night, increases the production of prolactin, necessary for the maintenance of breastfeeding.

With bottle:Breastfeeding should also be on demand, so if our little one wakes up and needs to feed we should offer the bottle. Formula milk is digested more slowly, so some babies endure more hours without increasing during the night, spontaneously spacing one shot from another.

Guidelines for removing the baby's nighttime

- The first thing we need to know is that we respect the needs of our baby, their own rhythm. As we have children earlier in their development, more early in teething, the same happens with the night shot. Además - In addition, the decision to withdraw the shot is due more to a

need of parents for more rest , to sleep more hours in a row than to anything else.- We will never withdraw the shot in the case that we have a low birth weight baby, during the first weeks of life, or in the case of having a metabolic alteration or important illness.

- It delays the last last shot and advances the one in the morning.

- Never put more formula milk than recommended for the amount of water, in the case of bottle, to satiate more. We can dehydrate the baby and damage the kidneys.

- Try not to let your child fall asleep to the breast or with the bottle

, you should not relate the shot with the induction of sleep; because if he wakes up he will need it to get back to sleep.- If he wakes up, go to calm him without first offering the breast or the bottle.

- The application of the "Parent Plan" may be effective in the case of breastfeeding.


Never let the baby cry, we always comfort him.It is essential to have patience, as everything in the development goes by phases, and as our child matures the nocturnal shots will decrease, in addition to acquiring the different phases of sleep, in this way will also have fewer awakenings. Each child has their rhythm, respect it and accompany it.