22 Weeks of pregnancy

If you lead a sedentary life and do not perform any exercise, it would be advisable that you spend at least half an hour a day walking. It will strengthen your muscles and, now that your abdomen grows rapidly, it will help you support the extra weight you are carrying. In addition, it brings more ad

If you lead a sedentary life and do not perform any exercise, it would be advisable that you spend at least half an hour a day walking. It will strengthen your muscles and, now that your abdomen grows rapidly, it will help you support the extra weight you are carrying. In addition, it brings more advantages: it avoids the appearance of varicose veins, helps reduce stress, you will recover your figure more easily after pregnancy and will help you to rest better at the end of the day.

Changes in the body of the pregnant woman

In week 22 of pregnancy, the uterus has already reached the height of your belly button and has gained a lot of weight. The growth of the uterus as the baby develops causes your abdomen to increase considerablyand your usual clothes are no longer worth it. They are normal changes, while your weight is within normal, it will be easier to recover your figure little by little after delivery. The increase of the uterus brings with it an annoyance: it presses the bladder and the rectum so the pelvic floor weakens, something that could cause

urine losses . To prevent it, it is recommended to practice Kegel exercises.Another of the discomforts associated with the growth of the uterus at 22 weeks of pregnancy is the change in the vascular system. Some veins are compressed and varicose veins appear, edema in the ankles and swelling sensation. Try to rest with your legs up, walk every day and drink a lot of water.

As the weeks go by, your neck may suffer and suffer from muscle overload. It can happen to you if you have a lot of stress or you usually carry weight. To relieve pain, stretch with the neck, tilting the head down and then looking up, you can also rotate very slowly. Development and evolution of the baby in pregnancy

Your baby is already 20 weeks old, it measures around 27 centimeters and at the end of this week it can weigh a half kilo. Your body is at first sight almost like that of a full-term baby, but you still have to grow and finish developing certain vital organs.

You can now open and close your eyes because your eyelids have already formed. His nails already cover the tips of his fingers and his skin is thin and surrounded by a substance that protects him from the liquid called

vernix caseoso .

If you are expecting a child, you should know that in the twenty-second week of your pregnancy, there is already a decrease in the testicles, and if your baby is a girl, your uterus and ovaries are in their final position. Your baby performs constant movements, still has plenty of room to exercise, and when he is awake he moves his arms and legs, a sensation that you will have already sensed.Health and emotions during pregnancy

Nearly half of pregnant women develop dark spots on their faces, called chloasma. They are produced by

the increase of hormones that stimulate the pigmentation of the skin

. To reduce or prevent its appearance always use, in summer and winter, a sunscreen.

It is normal also that you suffer from the uncomfortable cramps of pregnancy. If this intense pain occurs on the calf muscle, stretch the limb and direct the toes towards you. Another one of the annoyances that you could suffer in this week 22 of pregnancy is headaches, to prevent them try to be calm and avoid stressful situations. If you already suffer the headache,rest a while, even in a room without light
and, if the doctor has prescribed it and the pain is very strong, you can take an analgesic.
It is common for pregnant women to project their fears or insecurities in their dreams. There are manywomen who have nightmares related to the baby: malformations, which leave him abandoned or the moment of delivery. They are normal dreams since there are many emotions that a pregnant woman has.
Diet and diet for the pregnant woman To avoid eating more than necessary since the twenty-second week of gestation and having an excessive weight gain at the end of pregnancy you can follow these recommendations: Los - The carbohydrates

have to constitute half of the calories daily You will find them in green leafy vegetables, potatoes, carrots and fruit. Las - The


create cells, hormones and keep muscles in good condition. They are present in lean meats, dairy products, eggs, fish and chicken. - Fats
: do not abuse them but do not eliminate them from the diet, some fats like Omega3 are fundamental for the baby's neurological development and are present in the fish. - Vitamins: the doctor will have prescribed supplements to meet the needs of vitamins, but it is essential to take between 2 and 4 pieces of fruit a day. In addition, a fundamental habit throughout pregnancy should be to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Always carry a small bottle with you.
Curiosities in week 22 of pregnancy If you work outside the home and your pregnancy is normal, you can continue to develop your work throughout the pregnancy. However, you will wonder what will happen when the baby is born and how you can combine your professional life and family life.Caring for children requires time and dedication, and maternity leave lasts 16 weeks, so you'll have to think about how to reconcile. There are women who ask for a leave of absence for childcare because their economy allows it, in other cases they request a reduction in working hours.
In case you have to keep your same schedule, you will have to go thinking of looking for a daycare or caregiver to take care of your child while you are away from home.