What causes hip dysplasia in the baby

Congenital hip dysplasia (DCC) or developmental dysplasia of the hip is a condition in which the hip joint is not normal. Some babies are born with this malformation. In it, the head of the femur does not fit properly in the joint, which can cause lameness and pain later on. DCC affects 1 in every 1

Congenital hip dysplasia (DCC) or developmental dysplasia of the hip is a condition in which the hip joint is not normal. Some babies are born with this malformation. In it, the head of the femur does not fit properly in the joint, which can cause lameness and pain later on.

DCC affects 1 in every 1,000 babies. In 1 of every 3 newborns a slight instability of the hip is observed. Girls are more likely to develop hip dysplasia. But what causes this condition? In Guiainfantil.com we explain it to you.

How is hip dysplasia in babies?

The causes are not known exactly. Some risk factors may increase the chances of your child being born with hip dysplasia. These factors are: Ante - Family background.

- Baby born in breech position.

- Decreased amniotic fluid in the uterus.

- Disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Can baby carrier bags cause hip dysplasia?

Some cultures place newborns in a forced-position carrying system with their legs stretched out and held together for many hours a day. It has been proven that in these situations

increases the risk of developing hip dysplasia , so it is not recommended to keep the legs of children in that position, like the non-ergonomic baby backpacks that leave the legs of babies stretched hanging.No relationship has been seen between hip dysplasia and the current systems of ergonomic baby carrier backpacks, since they keep the legs apart and usually allow free mobility of the hips (postures in W or frog).

How is hip dysplasia detected in babies?

The physical examination of all newborns allows the early detection of most patients

. A baby with dysplasia may show no signs of the condition. The signs, which can be very subtle, vary depending on the age of the child. The doctor will look for the following signs by performing several maneuvers:- A "hollow sound" during the opening and closing of the hips.

- Inability to move the thigh out of the hip.

- One leg shorter than the other.

- Leveling of the fatty folds of the thigh around the groin or buttocks.


Lameness or walking on tiptoe with one of the feet, in larger children. - A curvature of the spine, in larger children.

The early diagnosis of congenital hip dislocation constitutes the fundamental point to obtain a satisfactory evolution, that is, to obtain the development of a hip with normal characteristics.

The treatment of dysplasia will depend on the age of your child and the severity of the dysplasia. Mild cases get better without treatment after several weeks. The most severe cases will need orthopedic treatment and in the worst cases, reductive surgery.

If the diagnosis is made early, the doctor may order

your child to use an orthotic device called a Pavlik harness que, which consists of a set of soft straps that keep your child in "frog position" allowing the joint of the hip develop normally.