Study techniques for primary school students with ADHD

Many hyperactive children do not take advantage of everything they should have spent in school due to déficit their lack of attention and impulsiveness that hinders them and hinders learning . Problems that are observed when they read, write, perform mathematical operations or must memorize. They ar

Many hyperactive children do not take advantage of everything they should have spent in school due to déficit their lack of attention and impulsiveness that hinders them and hinders learning . Problems that are observed when they read, write, perform mathematical operations or must memorize. They are disorganized children, who forget to write down their homework or even take the book they must study for the next day's exam. To help them, it is essential to create good study habits and provide them with correct study techniques.Study habits for children ADHD


Create the habit of study in the most appropriate place . Try to always be the same place and the quietest in the house, free of distractions where you should only have the essentials to do homework and study. No computers, consoles or toys that distract you.-

Balance the hours of study and play or leisure . Depending on the age, we will determine the amount of time you must invest in the performance of homework and study.-

Set and schedule study schedules. -

Train the child in self-instructions. It is important that we prepare a file with self-instructions that you should always read before starting your daily study. It can be of the style: 1) I prepare the table so that it is clear and with all the material. 2) I need a pencil, a rubber band, pencil sharpener, book, notebook and diary. 3) I review the agenda with the homework, exercises and work that I must present. 4) I decide what homework I will do, what subject I will study and what I have to prepare for the next day. 4) I will finish by doing a general review and preparing my backpack for tomorrow. This technique is very useful not only to organize the study also to solve mathematical problems or improve reading comprehension

- Divide tasks into subtasks.

Due to your attention deficit and your need for constant movement we will try to divide the work into small parts. It is better that you do little work and rest frequently rather than try to end it all at once. Children with ADHD begin to make mistakes after 6 minutes of concentrated attention. -

Motivate the study assessing and encouraging each small step. -

Check your work . The child with ADHD should always review all the tasks he has done and check that he has not forgotten anything, either in the exercises that he must deliver as the syllabus to be studied.Some specific techniques:

- Techniques to improve reading comprehension. We will teach you a methodology to improve your reading comprehension called EPLER (Examine, Ask, Read, Schematize, Resume, Review).

- Techniques to improve the performance of mathematical problems. Depending on the difficulties that the child presents, we can apply the following techniques: self-instructions (read slowly and write down the information as it appears) and graphic representation of the problem (drawing).

These are some of the study techniques that parents of children with ADHD can apply with their child if they want to help them have better academic results. With perseverance, effort and a lot of patience you will see how your children are improving day by day.