How to make fun dictations for children

When we read a text aloud, vocalizing carefully, and pausing in the semicolons so that children can write it, we say that we are making a dictation . If we choose boring texts, the dictation will be boring , but if we choose texts that are of interest, appropriate to the age and level of the childre

When we read a text aloud, vocalizing carefully, and pausing in the semicolons so that children can write it, we say that we are making a dictation.

If we choose boring texts, the dictation will be boring, but if we choose texts that are of interest, appropriate to the age and level of the children, we will make it fun for them.

How to make fun dictions for children

To begin with we can choose short texts, without very complicated words and that speak of their daily life. We can do a dictation talking about daily hygiene, their pets, what they do when they go to the park, etc. An example can be:

'This morning I went to the market with mom. We have bought fruit and vegetables and a very rich bread cake. Then we went to the park, and I met my friend Vicente. We have climbed the slide and we have played a while to swing. Mom gave us a banana to each one and immediately we went home, because she said she has to make food.

Dictations make children pay more attention to what they write, learn spelling and the meaning of new words y, and if we do it through entertaining texts we will make it easier to relate them to the story we propose.A fun dictation with a rhyme for children

If we want, for example, for children to learn the difference between words, berry, fence and go, we can do it through a story with rhyme. First we will expose the three words and their meaning and we will tell them that we are going to make a dictation so that they write them correctly and can think and concentrate more.

- Berry: Type of fleshy fruit with seeds surrounded by pulp; p. eg, tomato and grape. Valla - Fence: Stakes stuck in the ground or boards together, to close some place or point it out. Break, or jump, someone fence.

- Go: 3rd person singular, present subjunctive verb go.


A bear that was hungry

drooled before some berries,

thought how to eat them

without jumping a large fence. Vaya 'Go there,' he said,

a small porcupine, rode and around the fence

could reach the feast.

When relating hungry, eating and drooling with berries, jumping and surrounding with fences, and go from the verb go, it will be easier for them to learn how to write the words if they remember the story well.

In this way we can invent different dictations with the words and orthographic rules that we want them to learn and according to the desired level.

Then we can make a brief summary of our history and individually monitor and correct the dictates of the children to make sure it is okay, and never stop congratulating them.