How sweets affect children

At parties such as de Halloween, Christmas ..., the consumption of sweets by children increases. There are so many sweets that star in these parties, that you wonder how harmful the treats for your children can be. There are parents who do not allow their children to even eat a candy because they th

At parties such as de Halloween, Christmas..., the consumption of sweets by children increases. There are so many sweets that star in these parties, that you wonder how harmful the treats for your children can be. There are parents who do not allow their children to even eat a candy because they think they have nothing good, and there are others who allow one a day or one a week, and still others who are very permissive with the intake of sugars because they say that gives energy to their children. But how bad is the candy for children? Does it contribute anything ?.Effects of sweets for children

Let's talk about daily life. Try to remember how much sweet you give your child in the daily or weekly routine, so you can compare with respect to the recommendations that we collect both at the nutritional level and the care of your teeth.

- Nutritional value:

The glucose that sweets have is the fuel for neurons in the brain and provides energy, however this intake should be moderate because it can cause serious imbalances in the body and childhood obesity. According to the nutritional recommendations of expert nutritionists, children should not consume more than 25 to 30 grams of sugar. A common treat offers 15 grams while a carbonated drink or soda already has the maximum recommended dose. You can not forget that other foods also have sugar. For example, flours, ice cream, chewing gum, this is why it is more difficult to control this consumption. Sweets can cause more overweight problems than fried ones, because they generate larger reservoirs of fat in the body. - Teeth:

The sugar in the mouth turns into acid that lasts about half an hour, damaging the teeth after it is consumed. A recent study from the University of Murcia reveals that children who consume sweets daily increase by 55 percent their risk of needing dental treatments . That is to say, the frequency in the intake of refined sugars generates dental problems in children, mostly caries.- Stomach:

The sweets are made of large amounts of sugar and fat, sometimes animal, and are added with other elements such as dyes and preservatives. These ingredients are not part of a healthy diet, so when they are consumed in excess by a child can complain of colic and have episodes of diarrhea and vomiting. Recommendations to avoid sweets

If you are concerned with the consumption of sugar in your home, it is easy to modify the consumption of sweets in your children: Primero 1. First, do not offer sweets after daily meals but eventually, that is, no more once a week. Ree 2. Replace the sugary drinks with water, only occasionally offering natural juices. That must be applied since the children are very small.

3. Substitute desserts for fruits, nuts and cereals.

4. Do not use candy as a reward or reward for children's behavior. Por 5. Finally, do not mix two or more foods with sugar in the same food, for example, do not mix the sweetened cereal with juice, juice or nectar at breakfast. Also do not mix a cake and soda in the snack. After the meal in which you drink carbonated drink do not offer an ice cream dessert. These are just some tricks that you can implement so that your children have a healthier diet.