In what position to place the baby day and night

Babies when they are born, are totally helpless. They are even unable to move to position themselves in the most comfortable position for themselves. Although it is very important, we know the different positions in which we can place the baby and how each of them influences the development of the b

Babies when they are born, are totally helpless. They are even unable to move to position themselves in the most comfortable position for themselves. Although it is very important, we know the different positions in which we can place the baby and how each of them influences the development of the baby.

With the times, the habits and advice given to us by the professionals are changing, which also influences the evolution of the baby. Babies take a few months to choose their preferred position. And the first thing they do is turn on themselves.

In what position I put the baby to sleep

Until a few years ago, all the experts recommended putting the baby to sleep on his stomach. This, had its logic, since what was intended, is that the baby would not drown in the event that regurgitated too much. A few years ago, cases of sudden death began to increase in babies less than 6 months of age. And after a large number of studies and research on sudden death. It was concluded that the best position to sleep a baby, is face up. Thanks to these recommendations, cases of sudden death have been reduced in a crucial way. Therefore, the first position we have to recommend is to sleep on your back. Since the risk of drowning is minimal even in this position.

To sleep, the baby should do so in the crib or in the cuckoo. But we will try to avoid the chairs. Since if you get used to it, then it will be difficult to take away the habit. And in the long run it can affect the baby's back. If we put him to sleep in his arms, after a while, we should leave him in the cradle so he can sleep much more at ease.

In what position do I place the baby during the day

But, the baby does not just sleep. Much of his time, he spends observing, fixing and learning what surrounds them. And during this time, we can choose between different positions.

- In arms: Babies, need a lot of direct contact with parents. With what to catch children is essential. While they are with us, they will be happy and very comfortable. Although in a short time, we will know the personal tastes of our baby. Because when you are in a position that you do not like, you will complain.

- The chairs are good for babies when they are able to hold the neck. In this position, the baby has the possibility to see much more and browse. With what will be much more entertaining and learn more. We can regulate the support and sometimes make it stiffer than others.

- On the ground. Babies must spend a lot of time on the floor. Since the immensity of the room and the freedom of the baby. They make me more eager to move and inspect the spaces. It will be easier for you to exercise your legs and arms at the same time without limitations. On the floor, we can put them mouth-down or mouth-up. The two positions, I think are fundamental in the development of babies. We must take turns with them, since each of them works different parts of the baby.

Since they started recommending that babies could not sleep on their stomachs. Parents are very reluctant to put their babies upside down, even when they are awake. A very serious error. Because with these exercises the baby exercises a lot of the neck. When trying the head to see. This position usually does not like them at first and they will complain a lot. But once you get used to it you will love it.