Optimism in children. Educate in values ​​

Being optim optimistic is also learned in the same way as other values ​​such as trust, perseverance, etc. Optimism, like hope, is the capacity that one acquires and always has to wait for the best. It is one of the most positive values ​​we can instill in children. Being an optimist is the opposite

Being optim optimistic is also learned in the same way as other values ​​such as trust, perseverance, etc. Optimism, like hope, is the capacity that one acquires and always has to wait for the best. It is one of the most positive values ​​we can instill in children. Being an optimist is the opposite of being pessimistic. How to teach optimism to children

Optimism is fashionable. The thing about '

you can'is every day more universal and an advisable attitude to achieve the purposes and make all our dreams come true. It is to believe that everything is going better in life. If you want your child to be optimistic, it is advisable that:1.

Give him an example . Your attitude is what will really count in this process of positive education.2.

Exercise good humor with your child. Play and laugh with him with things as simple as tickling or telling jokes ... there are a thousand ways to awaken good humor in children. Good humor will increase your self-esteem. 3.

Teach your child to thank for the food of each day, for having a family, friends, for celebrating birthdays, etc. 4.

Tell your child that you love him not only with words, but also with gestures and surprises. A child who feels loved is more likely to be optimistic. 5.

Recognize the good things your child does or does. That is a good way to strengthen the feeling of success in him.6.

Teach your child to fight against discouragement and negativism. Although everything seems that it can not be, it is necessary to believe that yes. Why optimism is important Optimism both generates benefits and prevents problems in children's lives. An optimistic child:

- He will be less insecure

- He will control his expectations

- He will avoid apathy and boredom

- He will not fall into despair for anything

- He will have less chance of suffering from anxiety or depression when faced with difficulties.

- It will be more relaxed and calm. No stress

- You will be enthusiastic and enterprising in your activities